¡¡¡¡Surprise!!!! P2

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Juliet's P.O.V
We got out of the car and walked up in the porch, "Do you want to knock or should I?" I asked." You can." Stefan said smiling. I knocked on the door to be greeted by Elena. "Come in." Elena said smiling. "Where is he?" I asked. "In the kitchen." Stefan walked in front of me so Damon didn't see me. I could here Damon talking and talking about how much he fucked up about my death. "What if I did something she would still be alive." Damon said. "Damon its wasn't your fault." Stefan said walking to him. "Yes it was brother." He said. "I lost her and it was my fault." Damon said taking a drink of what ever was in his glass not even noticing me. "You can't get rid of me at all." I said smiling making Damon look up from the table and sped over to me and hugged me and started kissing my forehead. "OK OK I don't this anymore." I laughed pulling away from the strong grip he had on me. "How?" Damon asked. "Katherine helped me out." I said making him look a little annoyed when I said her name. "Why do you do that?" I asked mad. "Do you what?" Damon asked confused. "Why do you do that to Katherine she's my best friend and you do that." I said angry. "You're friends with that bitch?" Caroline asks. "Shes not a BITCH! I said screaming the last part making everyone jump. "Um look Juliet." Stefan started but then I cut in "Don't look Juliet me you two both know she was so kind to me and then she saved my life form getting killed by our father and Johnathon Gilbert." I said looking Damon then back to Stefan. "You know what, I shouldn't have come back I should just have stayed where I was at least they understand me, loved me, I hate you two but I hate Damon the most ." I said and sped out of the Elena's house to somewhere I can be alone.

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