Maybe I love you again

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I walked into the Mikealson's house, to see Klaus on the couch, I walk over to the couch and plopped myself down by him. "Well love it took you long enough." Klaus said smirking. "I'm in trouble Klaus." I said laying my head on his shoulder. "How?" He asked. "I drank blood from a Bennett witch, my brothers were using now I'm in trouble because your mother said I couldn't kill her." I said annoyed. "Well you can always stay here." Klaus said smiling at me. "What you drawing?" I asked looking at his drawing. "You." Klaus said getting back to his drawing. "Also we're having a ball for our wedding." Klaus said smirking. "I never said yes." I said then his siblings came in fighting. "WHY CAN'T YOU SHUT UP KOL?!" Asked the blonde. "BECAUSE I DON'T NEED TO!" Kol yelled back. "My wife is annoyed by your yelling so both of you should shut up." Klaus said still looking at his drawing. "Maybe she should leave." The blonde said rudely. "Maybe you should shut before I dagger you." I said looking up at her. "If you didn't know I'm an original vampire." She said. "I'm a hybrid and witch so I'm guessing I'm better than you." I said smirking at her. "Who the hell are you anyway?" She asked. "Juliet." I said smiling. "And who are you if I may ask?" I asked. "I'm Rebekah and that's Kol." She said sitting down. Then Klaus put his arm around my shoulders and put away his drawings. "Sister she is a Mikaelson now so if she may want to kill you I will let her." Klaus said smiling at his sister. "Shut up Niklaus, she is not a Mikaelson." Rebekah yelled back. "I know I'm not but when we marry I will be a Mikaelson." I said. "At least you could have picked someone cute." Rebekah said quietly. "At least I have friends." I said. "You don't have friends." She said. "Shut up Rebekah she is so much prettier then you." Kol said laughing. Then Elijah walked in. "Whose fighting?" He asked. "Rebekah and
Klaus's new wife." Kol said laughing. "Rebekah be a lady." Elijah said. "Yeah Rebekah be a lady." I said kicking her off the couch. "Why don't you be a lady!" Rebekah yelled at me. "Watch it or I will dagger you." I said smirking. Then Ester came in. "Both of you be lady like." She said. "Yes mother." Rebekah said. "What about you Juliet?" Ester asked. "What about me?" I asked confused. "Are you sorry?" Ester asked back. "No I'm never sorry I mean what I mean." I said looking at Rebekah. "You are not meant to be a Mikaelson." Rebekah said. "Don't you ever be rude to her again got it." Klaus said. "Klaus its fine." "No its not fine Juliet." He said. "Shut up Klaus, you should tell her the real reason you daggered her." Rebekah yelled. Then Klaus got up and sped towards her and snapped her neck, then her body fell to the ground. "Wow." I said quietly looking at Rebekah's dead body. "Let's go." Klaus said. I got up and walked out the door. "You didn't have to do that Klaus." I said looking him while we walked through the woods. "Yes I did love." Klaus said looking me and started to hold my hand. "You're the one I love and I won't let you get herased by my sister." Klaus said still holding my hand. "You know I can handle myself Klaus you know that." I said. "But being the gentleman I am I will do anything for you." Klaus said stopping and putting his hand my cheek making me blush alittle. "You're my everything." Klaus said then he started to kiss me, I kiss back now I'm going to be a Mikaelson. I pulled away. "I love you Klaus Mikaelson." I said smiling up at him. "And I love you Juliet Mikaelson." He said back to me making me smile more. "Where are we going?" I asked when we started to walk again holding hands. "An opening I know well." He said smiling at me. "With flowers around it and has a big rock at it?" I asked. "Yes you  know it?" Klaus asked back. "Yes that's where I go to get away from people." I said. "Well that's where are going." Klaus said still holding hand and walking. I took my hand from his. "I'll race you." I said then I sped away with him behind. Maybe I love this guy again.

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