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[Erm sorry this isn't an update but today I got way too many feels from Suga aka Yoongi's tweets today, so I'm going to post the translations of his tweets here. ALL CREDITS TO @/bts_trans ON TUMBLR. All my own comments will be in [italic square brackets].]


안녕하세요 슈가입니다 많은 분들이 나의 휴가에 대해 궁금해 하시더라 간단하게 말하자면 많이 걷고 많이 자고 많이 생각했다 믹스테잎을 작업하기 전 생각 정리를 하고 싶어 여행이 가고 싶었다 꼭 가야하는 곳도 있었고

Hello, this is Suga. Many people were curious as to what I was doing on my break, and to simply put it, I walked a lot, slept a lot and thought a lot. I wanted to go on a trip to organize my thoughts before working on my mixtape. I also had a place I must go to. And  

[Okay he mentioned a mixtape. I was excited at first but then the second part came on]


24살 방탄소년단 슈가가 아닌 24살 민윤기로 할 수 있는 걸 하고 싶었다 나를 돌아보는 시간이었다 지금하는 이야기들은 가수와 팬 방탄과 아미가 아닌 사람 대 사람으로 이야기하고 싶어 시작하는 이야기이다 

I wanted to do things I was able to do not as a 24 year old BTS’ Suga, but as a 24 year old Min Yoongi. It was a time where I looked back at myself. The things I will say now are things I wanted to share not as a Singer and Fan, or as Bangtan and ARMY, but to talk to you as human to human.

[Damn the feels are coming and Let Me Know playing now isn't helping anything]


많은 사람들을 대할때 가장 슬퍼 질때는 모든 사람들에게 공평하게 대할수 없는 내 자신을 마주 할 때이다 누구하나 상처주고 싶지 않은데 그러지 못할 때가 생긴다 난 아직 한참 부족한 사람인것 같다 

The most upsetting time for me when I face a large number of people, is when I face myself who isn’t able to be fair to everyone. I didn’t want to hurt anyone, but there are times I couldn’t do that. I think I’m still a person that lacks in many things.


고베 콘서트 둘째 날.. 그날 이후 난 깊게 잠을 자본 기억이 없는 것 같다 많은 사람들에게 상처를 줬다는 것 때문일까 항상 잠들면 식은 땀과 함께 잠에서 깬다

The second day of the concert in Kobe.. I don’t think I’ve ever slept deeply after that day. Could it be because of the fact that I gave a wound to many people? Whenever I fell asleep, I would wake up with cold sweat.

[This is where things become intense...no Yoongi you didn't wound anyone]


이미 한번 무대에 서지 못해 많은 사람들에게 상처를 줘 본 적이 있기에 무슨일이 있어도 올라가겠다고 했다 모든 사람들이 말렸다 무대에 서지 못한다는 상황에 정말 펑펑 울었다 울면 지는건데    

Because I already once have not been able to go on stage before and have hurt many people, I said that I’ll go up (to perform) no matter what situation arises. Everyone tried to stop me. I really cried a ton at the situation of not being able to go up on stage. And I know crying is losing.

[Erm sorry for the frequent notes it's just that Yoongi I wanna let you know that crying is not losing, it's a kind of emotional letout of a winning person (whoops sorry)]

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