Look In Front (Look to Your Right)

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Everyone knows how school examinations are like. Separated tables, the clip clop of the examiner's high heels, and how a pin drop could even be heard when everyone is busily writing away on their respective papers. During examinations, even the best of friends could become strangers. The stagnant air of the examination hall seems to draw a curse on everyone, a curse that could set even the tightest bonds apart.

Yoongi hated exams. He was a firm believer of not counting on grades to actually judge a student, but the education system he was currently in forced him to say otherwise. As Yoongi was studying in a prestigious high school with a full scholarship, he had to work hard to maintain his grades so that he could keep his scholarship. He had always thought studying was tedious and boring, but he had to do it out of no choice. If he was given a choice, he would have dropped school in the blink of an eye, and pursue his passion in music. But still, life is life. Yoongi had to study to get a good job.

So here he was, sitting in front of the good old wooden desk stripped bare of any decorations, and smelt faintly of the stench of workbooks and pen ink. His stationery were arranged in order of length on the right side corner of the desk, from the small green eraser he was struggling to keep in possession to his favourite ball point pen, shining metallic blue under the fluorescent light. The faint whirling of the ceiling fan above his head got him irritated somehow, the dull white noise intruding his thoughts, wiping him clean of any memory of the knowledge he had forcefully stuffed inside his head just a few moments ago. Yoongi embraced the blankness almost welcomingly, knowing that he would probably recall back everything once he saw the paper. The candidates were still entering the examination hall, the sound of their steps shuffling and chairs being dragged out of place resounding in the wide space. 

The seating plan was quite strange, as the candidates were arranged in order of their student ID instead of the usual alphabetical order of names this time. That was perhaps why Yoongi found him seating at the furthest corner of the examination hall, as he was accepted in quite late. The student sitting in front of him was a girl, with brown wavy curls pouring down her shoulders, and adorned with a small pink ribbon ornament on the right side of her head. Yoongi couldn't see her face, since they were not allowed to turn around anyway. At this point, Yoongi's eyes already felt droopy and his head was heavy. The examination hadn't even started yet! Yoongi was really regretting his decision of burning the midnight oil the day before. To his right, the seat was still empty, waiting to be occupied.

Another few unsettling moments later, as if the whole hall was already fully occupied, and the candidates seemingly almost all settled down, the huge oak doors of the hall was abruptly pushed open. Almost all eyes shot to the rude intruder, unforgiving at first, hostile even, however a mischievous glint was soon found in those eyes as a student, disheveled, stood at the entrance, panting while barely holding all his stationeries. Some girls held back a giggle, but as if the mere existence of the examination hall sucked the life out of them, they quickly returned to their impassive state, as if manufactured by a factory. Ignoring the glares of the examiners, the student bowed politely at them and briskly walked to the seat beside Yoongi, guided by one of the examiners.

As the examiners were busy distributing the paper, Yoongi couldn't help but started staring at the student. He settled down in his seat with a huff, pushing his long fringes back to reveal his forehead while he leaned back in the chair. His side profile was mesmerizing. Hazelnut brown hair, sharp nose, full lips, and was that a dimple Yoongi spotted? Yoongi was never straight to start with, but now he felt fully attracted to the male. The way he breathed deeply in and out to calm himself down, and then arranging the stationeries on his right side (just like him), Yoongi was captured in a trance as his eyes never left the male. Then, he sat up straight, held his chin up high enough to show confidence but low enough not to show arrogance, and clutched his hands together as one of the examiners approached from far, the stack of exam papers on her hand slowly thinning. The blazer of the school uniform always seemed too big on Yoongi, but for the male, his uniform seemed tailor-fitted, the sharp edges of it on his shoulder protruding, giving him a fresh and young look. Yoongi had never known a school uniform could look so good on someone.

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