chapter 16 scene 2 FYAZ Zayne p.o.v

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I dropped her in her house and drove home. I saw Rella, Bianca and her stupid Cheerleading team mates here Okay time to show my Alpha face.

‘’ Hello, Ladies.... May I know why you guys are here’’ I asked confused of what this girls are up to

‘’ Ohhh Alpha Blake, were here to pick up Canddise’’ Rella told when Bianca came near me and hugged me while I look at her amused since I am still her boyfriend for the current timing.

‘’ and why do you want to pick up her’’ I asked eyebrowing Rella

‘’ Ohhh, Well... We asked Delta Jack and he said ‘’ Rella started only to be interrupted by Jack dragging Canddise out from the pack house forcefully and pushed her on the ground where the girls and I were.

‘’ What is wrong ’’ I asked annoyed of his irritating behaviour and hold Canddise arms and helped her up on her feet while I can see her bitting her lips and sobbing trying to hold her pain and tears.

 ‘’ Look, You are going with them and you are cheering in their team... do you understand’’ Jack told looking at Canddise while she wipes her tears which is dropping down, ‘’Girls you can take her now, but be back before 5pm... and Listen Canddise If I heard any stund you put.. And I am serious, If I heard Any... You’ll just watch what I will do to you’’ Jack threatens Canddise pulling her really long Chocalate long curly hair while she gulps in pain.. while the other girls gave her a smirk, crap I hate Jack when he does this to her, what I know is I know him my whole Life and he never once acted like this to any girls before but why Her, Okay I get she is a Rogue and her mate but there is something else that I have not  figure yet, .

At the same moment I saw Sam car driving through the Car park and in it was Ageda and Mareena coming out from the car walking towards our way when Jack let goes of Canddise hair.,

‘’ Hey Canddise...’’ Ageda told looking at Canddise when Canddise dries her tears and smiles at her and says Hey.

‘’ why, Ageda Vermont.. you’ve grown’’ Blondy told looking at her since Ageda is only 14 this year  

‘’ yeah.... and I hate you’’ She told all of the sudden which made everyone surprised including me and I saw how Mareena controls her laugh and Jack starring at Ageda angry

‘’ It is not a very nice thing to say, Ageda’’ Bella said with her clench teeth

‘’ Right... and I hate you as well Bella’’ Ageda told which made Mareena burst into laughter which made me to controlmmy laugh as well.. and I saw Canddise controlling her smile as well sniffing to Avade her tears and sob and Bella to gaspe too.

‘’ Why, Delta Jack.. why is your sister so Rude to us’’ Bianca told looking at Jack beside me while Jack Angryly glare at Ageda

‘’ Ageda, say sorry to them... It is very Rude of you’’ Jack told looking at Ageda

‘’ Ohh Okay Sorry’’ she told looking at them ‘’ Ok, I told Sorry to your sluts Jack’’  she told with an attitude looking at Jack while he growls annoyed at her and Mareena starts to laugh more louder while I control my laughs and look at my Little girl Ageda there.. well she has Vermont blood in her.

‘’ Ageda, this is going too far’’ Jack told looking at Ageda when she showed her disgusting face on him

‘’ I can smell their scent on you, The only scent that I should smell is Canddise smell on you.. why am I smelling their scent on you, what is wrong with you ’ she asked looking angry herself looking at Jack when Jack gave Ageda a shock expression

‘’ that is none of your Business ‘’ Jack started only to cut out from Ageda strange laughter

‘’ hahahhahahha, I  see none of my Business well great.. Sam can you drop me to Oricles house, he is from the Blue snow Pack and He told me something about he want to teach me about sex and since it is my own god damn Business I do not need to ’’ Ageda told in her bitchy voice when Jack couldn’t control himself growl loudely  and started to come near her raising his hand to slap her when I stood Infront of Ageda in my werewolf speed and Imediately Jack puts down his hand realising it is me. 

‘’ Move Zayne, how dare she .. even’’ Jack started with his  eyes turning black which means his wolf taking over,while Canddise hold Jacks hand which made him to flinch and starts cools down looking at Canddise.

‘’ Please... Jack.. don’t... she is just a young girl ‘’ Canddise told softly so Fuck she can defend Ageda but not herself, what the fuck is wrong with her.

‘’ what!! It is none of Jacks Business’’ Ageda told behind of me when I give her a stare showing her thats enough which made her immediately to drop her head and shut her mouth

‘’ what is going on’’ Harry came rushing out from the Pack house wearing only his Black pants with Victoria beside her looking confuced and sleepy as well.

‘’ Hey, Ageda..... you’re already hereee’’ Victory told clapping her hands , Victoria does that sometimes if she is really happy about something .

‘’ Victoria take Ageda Home’’ I told using alittle Alpha tone looking back at Jack

‘’ Yes, Alpha Zayne’’ she told softly and took Ageda’s hand and drag her to the Pack House

‘’ Go, Inside Ena ‘’ Sam told Mareena when she nods not before kissing sam and walks behind Victoria and Ageda while Jack walks away from here to his Bike and ride’s away.

‘’ What happened’’ Harry asked looking at me and Sam.

‘’ Ageda, well she is fourteen now...’’ Sam started

‘’ yeah.. so’’ Harry asked annoyed

‘’ hey.. Champ just Rellax will you ’’  sam told yup Harry is the youngest male Vermont in this pack and we normaly call him Champ for no reason that is the nick name we gave him. He is a year older then Val and two years younger then us.

‘’ what is going On, Why did Jack burst like that.. and why ‘’ He sees Canddise..’’ why are you crying Canddise’’ he asked annoyed looking at her.

‘’ she always Cries.. she is a crybaby.. don’t you know’’ Bianca said laughing looking at Harry

‘’ Thats enough, Look , I am not my Brother Jack and I really Don’t like you.. Slut so Back off ‘’ Harry told looking at Bianca while she flinch in fear well Harry is a Vermont no matter the age difference .

‘’ Canddise, go and get clean up... you looking appalling ‘’ Harry told in his annoyed voice whilst Canddise nods and wipes her tears and looks at me..for approval ,  shit I feel so sympathy for this girl.. I Nod to her back giving her a sad smile as Canddise walked slowly back to the Pack house wiping her tears.

‘’ I will be taking Ageda and Victoria to the Mall, they say something about they want to get for Amber or something ’’ Harry told looking at me messing his Black hair

‘’ Why,’’ I asked confuced

‘’ Amber is Pregnant  she is reaching her 9th month in three weeks now.. any moment she is goanna pop out’’ Harry told which made surprised and as well ah Happy at the same time.

‘’ Does, Jack knows’’ Sam asked since Jack is Ambers best  friend while Harry shrugs

‘’ Not sure, I only found out Yesterday.. the girls still contacts her’’ Harry told which made me surpriced so she never loved me since obviously she has contacted the girls but not me.

‘’ well, Sam You’re incharge.. as he pack members and friends make sure everyone gets the news... were definetly going to surprice her on her big day’’ yup I am not selfish since Amber is a really sweet girl and the time she was with me well lets say I just have a friendship sisterly weirdly feelings for her which I can’t really understand

‘’ will do, Zayne’’ Sam told walking in the woods

‘’ Babe... do you want to have fun with...’’ Bianca started crap I want to break up with her but not yet

‘’ Sam Hold On, Sorry Bianca I meet you later’’ I told looking at Bianca and walk with Sam.

As I was walking and talking with Sam My phone started to ring. I picked up and saw the only lady who torcher me the most, My Mother. 

Canddise Blue and Jack Vermont Scenes from FYAZWhere stories live. Discover now