Playing in the woods scenes of Jack and Canddise from FYAZ part one

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Canddise P.O.V

I am presently in the pack house  locked in Jack’s room with Jack,

 Jack is bathing while I am in the room waiting for Jack. The others has already left so it is just me and Jack. I am wearing a pair of green pants and gray long sleeve tops, I prefer to wear simple this time since everytime I dress up well like the short Purple long sleve Velvet dress or the Long yellow Sun dress.. always something bad will happen and I will ended up being pain and punished by Jack.

 Though Victoria  Forced me first But I shook my head No, and surpricingly she gave up and agreed.

I am currently Holding my brown handbag which has a native design to it, the girls bought for me when they were in Bahamas, I pact my favourite book ‘Night Sky’ and some stuffs for me to take along. I know that Jack would place me somewhere and I have to seat there until the whole function come to an end then  he will come to get him and I must follow him.

I do not know what happen this afternoon but Jack he really did give me a fright, the way he followed me wherever I go and whatever I did, and the way he frown looking at me, I thought that he was angry at me or wants to punish me and I did something wrong and was in some sort of trouble.

Something happened yesterday night I am not sure but all I could remember is me getting really scared and Jack was there helping me over coming it. The more I Focus on it the more I don’t feel right to focus on it.  

I don’t really care about anything anymore since all I care about is my baby inside of me. I love my baby so much and I am so greatful to the gods for that.

Jack P.O.V

I came out from my bathroom, naked as always wipping my blonde hair on the process and looking at Canddise and what the hell is Canddise doing.

 Canddise is looking at the mirror touching her really small buldge and her light Hazel eyes shows so much of admiration, so much of love and warmth for my baby inside  her. I smirk looking at her,  enjoying feeling her baby like that.

I came behind her, looking at her in the mirrow infront of her, she still hasn’t notice I am here yet since her eyes are glued on her small buldge, I Think she is focusing and feeling my cub in her. for some reason I want to feel my cub too. I slowly place both of my hands on her hips which made her to gasp and flinch looking at the mirror. I know she can see me now but I ignore to see her.

I slowly trail my hand underneath her shirt and place my hand softly on her really small buldge, I smirk when I Felt my cub in her and looked at the mirror smirking, her eyes shown soft and bashful as she gaze down ignoring to look at me,

I smirk looking at her cheeks how it goes pink alittle until she flinch looking at the mirror looking panicked written in her face, wait why does she looking..ohh thats why, I know she felt my hard dick behind of her as how hard and big it is poking her behind,

 I shook my head blinking of some of the naughty stuffs which suddenly approach in my mind, knowing ever since That day I force breed on her, Canddise is kind of petrified  of the  whole fuck, sex and dicks in her core thing, and I don’t blame her and I know it will take awhile for me to refurbish her back on that whole topic.

I remove my hands from her waste softly and walked away wearing my cloths and the usual my black Jacket, when I came back I saw Canddise seating on my l-shape sofa waiting for me. I locked her up in my room again when I took my bath.

‘’ you ready’’ I asked looking at her, I can’t understand why is she wearing a long sleve gray tops and a plain green skinny pants.

‘’ can’t you find anything nice to wear’’ I got to ask, other girls would be dressed better then her, she shook her head looking down, I sigh and growl lowly irritated and went to the walk through closet to choose for her a better nice looking dress when she stops me...

‘’ Jack’’ she voiced, I turn behind to look at her...

‘’ I wish to wear this’’

‘’ why’’ I asked irritated, she looked hesitated to answer me looking down..

‘’ Well’’ I asked more sternly she gasps looking at me showing her light hazel eyes

‘’ tell me’’

‘’ ever.. everytime, when I dressed up nicely.. I .. I always get punish or bruised later on, please just let me wear this’’ Canddise told shooking her head, for a moment I felt pain after she told that, I realized it is true what she said, What hurts me more is I am the caused of her bruise I remember suriya’s brothers party or the day we met Amber  I chew my gums inside and pretended that I am not interested whatever she told me though for some reason I hate myself after hearing what she told.

‘’ Lets go’’ I told coldly ,heading to the door unlocking it while Canddise followed me behind. after we reached outside to my Jeep, I opened my jeep door for her, she seats in while I close her door and went on my left and sat in it. The whole Journey was silent as always, I glanze at her couple of time but she didn’t look at me, her eyes were glued at the window looking outside on her left.

When we reached in the woods, the music is already on.. I can tell everyone is already here. I hold Canddise wrist tight as we walked deeper. She didn’t say anything neither did I, when we finally reached there. Everyone was wild talking, laughing, drinking and the fire looks grand and huge. I saw a huge tree which was pretty much visible that anyone could see that the huge oak tree is there. I walked there still gripping Canddise wrist.

I nodge my head there  which made her to nod and seat down having her strange native style bag near her.

‘’ Stay here till I get you’’ I stated coldly, she nods looking down and the moment I move she hold my wrist again looking at me with her light hazel eyes, what’s wrong. I bend down so I can hear her knowing how soft is her voice and with this music behind me, I know she wants to tell me something

‘’ I’m sorry’’ what is she sorry for, I look at her confuced

‘’ I am sorry If I hurt your feelings Jack, just now,  when you asked me to dress well’’ She told softly I could tell her eyes are getting blury. I look at her like is she crazy, why would she be sorry about that, I do not know what to say Must be the Hormones,  So I touch her soft cheeks and curl her hair which is sticking out behind her ear. she sighs softly.

‘’ be a good girl, and stay here till I come and get you’’ I told again touching her cheeks She smiles alittle and nod. I walk away from her and was standing beside Zayne welcoming guests, we had ivited Killghara but apparently their pack couldn’t make it. ,

I glanze at Canddise a couple of times, she was reading a book I believe she brang it along placing it in her strange native American bag that she brang along. Couple of my pack members sat beside her and she talks alittle giggling still seating down obaying my rules, when Blondie joined me alittle later, kissing me and nagging me to have alittle fun with her, I wonder why not since my dick is already hard looking at Canddise.


Canddise Blue and Jack Vermont Scenes from FYAZWhere stories live. Discover now