chapter 14 scenes of Jack and Canddise from FYAZ

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I am not sure what is going to happen in the court room, to Val to Vertos Mate to Ageda and the paperwork and informing to Aunt Vive, Uncle Bare my mum and my dad crap Alpha work is so hard. I went and took a cold shower Rellaxing my mind and after I got out I took a little nap and started with my Paperwork.

A few days passed by, Ageda was alright.. My aunt and Uncle took her back to their house, Jack and Harry had a little tough love talk with Ageda as I gave a one month punishment for her to clean the pack house since what she did was wrong, we did told her to go back home but she decided to not obey us, so her duty is everyday when she comes back from school she is to clean the pack house which includes wash the toilet, Laundry, shoe polishing, some gardening and everything except for cooking I don’t want her playing with knives or fire incase anything happens, though I caught Canddise helping her most of the time and not wanting Ageda to do the chores. But I decided not to question Canddise.. poor girl she is just being sweet.

Today was the day where the court room is going to take place where Canddise and Jack will be going alone to the ministries to decide the decisions for both Vertos Mate and Mines. And Yup I already forget Vertos mates name.  I don’t like what Jack is doing but on his side he has every rights to do so.

‘’ Alphaaaaa and cousin brother Zayneee, I am back from school’’ Ageda mocked as she came in while I smirk at her.

‘’ why Ageda, here are todays chores CindeRella’’ I told as I tossed her the long list as she looked at the list in shock.

‘’ but I Just cleaned it yesterday....’’ she grombels looking at the list

‘’ what was that my dear’’ I ask looking at her amused knowing if she argues back there will be another month of this

‘’ Nothing, is that all.... Alpha Zayne’’ she mocked looking at me

‘’ yup, that is all.... if you wan’t more.. I can’’ I started

‘’ No... No... Please don’t... I already have so many homeworks to do which Freya promised me to help with’’ she told

‘’ what homework’’ I asked confuced, 

‘’ Science and Maths.. I suck with it’’ she laughs which made me to laugh as well

‘’ you should ask Emrys, he always helps me in that''  i told honestly

‘’  Emrys told that he will help me in Physics and chemistry and additional maths while science and Maths Freya is the best in it’’ she explained while I nod

‘’ well in case... you need any..’’ banged the door opened , Jack drags Canddise with him while Ageda immediately came hides behind me

‘’ please.... don’t.. I am sorry.... But I’’ Canddise starts to plead and cries to Jack, as  how roughly he is grabbing her arms and Dragging her to their room.’

‘’ shut up ...’’ Jack yelled to Canddise by dragging her roughly where else Ageda yelps in fear.

‘’ well Ageda.. I will be seeing your report card soon, and trust me if I don’t like what I’m seeing you will get it as well’’ Jack yelled at Ageda as she hids her face on my chest while Jack drags Canddise back to his room, Ageda started to cry .

‘’ hey.. hey.. hey... shh..shh.. shh.... how about a day off today, Go and grab your homework and do it in my room.. I’ll see how I can Help’’ I sooth Ageda as she nods, wipping her tears and takes her beg while I lead her to my room. 

Ageda was on my bed as she was doing her homework while I sat beside her and log in to the ministry website. There was a Video there submitted and when I pressed it. I saw the whole story there of how Canddise told that she came and they did not kidnappe her and the whole drama, why did  Canddise lied why did she did that to save Val and her friend.

Canddise Blue and Jack Vermont Scenes from FYAZWhere stories live. Discover now