Chapter 5

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Callie's POV.

Jessie and I arrive at the mall around two o'clock. The first thing we do us go to Starbucks, my favorite coffee shop ever. Jessica got a mocha frappe and I got a Carmel frappe. I'm so happy that I leave in two days for Australia with my best friend and sister. After we get our coffees we walk around.

"So Cal, where do you wanna go first?" Jessie's asks with a smile.

"Lets go to Pac Sun!" I exclaim.

Jessie and I walk into Pac Sun and I feel Jessica poke my shoulder. I turn around and see Scott and Molly in Pac Sun shopping for Molly. God, what else does this slut want from him? She does this to every guy. She'll get in his pants, make him but her everything, fuck him again, then leave him begging for her to come back. She does this to EVERY single guy she's ever dated or hooked up with. Its so annoying. I just roll my eyes as walk with Jessica to the shoe section to find myself new sandals.

Molly walks up to me, "Hello Callista." I look at her with a blank expression. "Sorry I don associate with trash." Jessica starts laughing and I grab my sandals and walk away leaving Molly speechless. I pay for my sandals and Jessie and I leave Pac Sun laughing our asses off.

While we're walking in the mall something catches my eye. Jessica looks over at me. "What are you looking at Cal?" Jessica looks ahead of me and my ex boyfriend Chase is walking towards us. I broke up with him because I wasn't really ready for anything yet while we were together. I look down and keep walking. Chase stops dead in his tracks an looks at me and smiles.

"Cal? Oh my lord how are you? Its been forever. Its been what, three years!"

"Hey Chase. I didn't even see you!" I lie. Chase smiles at me. God he's so fucking hot.

"Do you wanna shop with me?"

"Only if Jessie can come!"

This is the perfect way to get to Scott. Scott hates Chase. I still kind of like him, but I can't date him because I'm moving in two days. I'll get over him in no time. Well, I hope so.

Chase, Jessie and I walk around the mall for another good hour or two. "I'm starving Jessie. Do you guys wanna go get food?" Chase and Jessie nod in agreement and we decide what we're going to eat.

As we're walking to the food court and I see Scott and Molly coming our way. I quickly grab Chases hand and start flirting big time with him. Jessica looks at me and winks. Molly and Scott come closer and Scott sees who I'm holding hands with.

"Callie what- what's this?"

"Um, I'm holding Chases hand what does it look like? Jealous much? Sorry YOU fucked up and I dumped your ass for cheating on me you fucking piece of shit."

Jessica and Chase are both shocked at my reaction. Scott clenches his fist an that's when I realize Molly is coming at me.

"Fuck you bitch he's not no piece of shit. I'm from Brooklyn I'll fuck you up."

"Come at me Molly, come at me right the fuck now. I dare you."

Molly takes one step forward and pushes me back and I drop my bags and fall backwards. That's it. Its on bitch.

I get off my ass and run straight for Molly. I start punching her in the face and he finally hits the ground. I straddle her and keep punching her and he tries her best to block it, but I took a couple years of boxing so I know what I need to know. I punch Molly once more before I notice blood trickling down my lip. I get off of Molly and kick her in the shin. I turn around for one second when I fall to the ground. Molly punches me in the face giving me a black eye. I turn around and start to punch her in the stomach and she falls to the ground. Chase and Scott try to break Molly and I up, but that only causes them to start fighting. Jessie pulls me off Molly.

"You fucking slut! Go fuck yourself!", at this point I'm screaming and I notice we have a crowd around us. I have one black eye and Molly got a black eye, bloody nose, bruised lip, and and bruise on her leg. Jessie and I have to pull Chase off Scott so they stop. I grab Chase's hand and my bags and start to walk away flicking off Scott and Molly.

Chase, Jessie and I find a table at the food court and Jessie and I wait as Chase orders our food and pays. When Chase walks back over to our table I embrace him in a hug and thank him. We eat our food and leave the mall. We thank Chase one last time and leave. When Jessie drops me off I collapse on my bed and sleep.

YAYYY. I finally updated. I had writers block and something's been bugging me. Vote and comment ! I love you all ! <333 thanks for reading.

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