Chapter 14

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Liam's POV

I honestly can't believe that Callie and I are watching movies together. I haven't even known her for a full day, but I already love her. I'm pretty sure she scooted closer to me, but I doubt it. Or maybe she wasn't comfortable. All of a sudden I hear a phone go off.

"I should be over all the butterflies. But, I'm into you, I'm into you."

I look up at Callie and see it was her phone. I pause the movie and wait for her to hang up. Five minutes later I hear Callie put her phone down on the glass table. I look over and she's crying. I walk up to her.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Callie wipes her eyes and looks at me. "Nothing. Um, I have to go. We can finish our movies tonight if you wanna."

"That's fine. I'll see you later."


Callie gets up off the couch and walks out the door. I wonder what happened. Why is she crying? I feel terrible. Hopefully we can talk when she comes back over.





Callie's POV

I fucking hate Scott. Honestly. He calls me to tell me that him and Molly are together. Like what the fuck. I don't know why I'm wasting my tears. We were only together for like almost three years. Ugh I hate him! I storm into my condo and up to Jessie;s and my room. Jessie is laying in bed sound asleep. I curl up in my orange snuggie and cry my eyes out on the floor. My makeup is everywhere, but I don't give two shits to be honest. Scott cheated on me with Molly, fucked her while we were together and now they're dating! I hate my life right now. I hear Jessie turn and I stay silent. I don't want her to see me like this.

"Cal?"  Jessie yawns.

Fuck me. I quickly wipe my eyes and look up at her. "Yeah?"

"I thought you were hanging out with Zayn."

"Oh! Uh, I was, but, um, I left."

"Why? He's so hot."

"The fuck? Um, okay? And because I wanted to. I'm going to go shower then if you're still up for Starbucks we can go. Sound good?"

"Sounds great." Jessie smiles and I get off the floor and head towards the bathroom. I grab two towels and a wash cloth from the closet. I walk into the bathroom and set my towels down and my wash cloth on the rack in the shower. I turn on the water to my liking and hop in.

I know it's weird, but I take long showers and all year round they're warm showers. Everybody thinks that's weird besides me. Oh well. I grab my shampoo and conditioner and wash my hair. I take my purple wash cloth and wash myself with my vanilla body wash and turn the water off.  I grab the first towel and wrap my hair and wrap the other one around my body.

I walk into the room and see Jessie sitting on the floor doing her hair and makeup.

"Finally you're out of the damn shower! You take forever!"

"I know. Calm down. I'm gonna let my hair natural and just do my makeup quickly."

Jessie nods and I walk into our walk in closet. I grab my pink shorts and a gray tee with a lion head on it, socks and my black vans. I go into the bathroom and get dressed and start my makeup. I apply mascara, light silver liquid eyeliner and some regular black eyeliner. I put my vans on and let down my hair. My natural hair is really wavy. I don't like it that much, but Jessie does. I walk back into the room and go to grab my phone. Fuck! I left it at the the condo next door. I run over to the boys condo and knock quickly. I'm greeted by Zayn.

"Hey beautiful."

"I left my phone here. Can you have Liam bring it to me please."

Zayn smiles. "Sure thing babe. Come in." 

I walk into the living room when Liam comes out with my iPhone 5.

"Thank you so much Liam! I'll be over later so we can finish our movie night!"

"No problem! See you soon!"

I run back over to my condo and grab my wallet and put my phone in my back pocket and my wallet in my purse sitting in the kitchen. I grab my car keys and holler to Jessie.

'Let's go bitch!"

Jessie comes running down the stairs and out the door we go.


"Hi! Welcome to Starbucks. My name is MaKenna, what can I get you today?"

"Hi! I'd like one caramel and a mocha cappachino with four chocolate chip cookies."

"Okay! That will be $16.49."

I hand Makenna a twenty dollar bill. "Keep the change." She smiles and I return one back to her.

"That'll be ready soon. I'll bring it to you."

Jessie and I walk to a table in the back and wait for our order. Makenna brings us our order and we thank her and head home. We both finish our drinks in the car and eat two cookies and save the rest for anybody else who would like them. Jessie and I go upstairs. I check my phone and have three text messages. One from Phillip, and two from Zayn? How'd he get my number. I unlock my phone and read Zayn's and Phillip's messages.

Phillip- 'hey. I met a girl so we're chilling. ttyl.'

Zayn- 'Hey(: you looked gorgeous today!'

'Wanna hang out later?'

I text Zayn back letting him know that Liam and I are finishing our movie night and we can chill another day. Surprisingly, those boys aren't that bad. I change into yoga pants and a tank top with a hoodie and walk next door. I ring the door bell and I'm greeted by Liam.

"Yay! You're here! C'mon in!"

I walk into the kitchen behind Liam and sit at the table.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"No thanks. I got Starbucks. Thanks anyway."

Liam smiles and opens the fridge to find something to eat.

"We have no food in this damn house! We're going shopping tomorrow Callie."

"Um, alright?"

"You don't have to. But everybody else but Zayn has plans."

"No! I will. Zayn can come too if he wants." I smile at Liam and he closes the fridge and I follow him out into the living room. I turn my phone on vibrate and get comfortable on the sofa. Liam picks up my legs, sits down and places my legs back on him. I laugh to myself and we both are situated and we finish our movies. I feel my eyes getting heavy. It's already eleven. We've been watching movies since seven. I'm so tired. Liam sits back down after placing the last movie in. I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and sooner than later, I'm passed out on Liam's sofa while he's wide awake watching Paranormal Activity 4.


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