Chapter 18

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Callie's POV.

Liam and I are enjoying our breakfast when we hear stomping coming from upstairs. We both turn our heads and see Jessie storming down the steps. I can't help but giggle to myself. Jessie is not a morning person. Especially when someone wakes her up.

"Who fucking woke me up?" Jessie growls.

"I did, but only because Liam here, this darling boy, made us a fantastic breakfast. I thought you would like to join us."

Jessie grimly stares at me and I return a smile. She looks at Liam. "You're sure you made this? Callie didn't touch it did she?" Liam chokes on his food from laughing and I slam my fork down.

"I didn't fucking touch this damn good. Liam made it. I'll go eat upstairs."

I grab my plate and head upstairs when Liam runs after me while Jessie is preparing her plate. I pick up the pace and dart into my room, closing the door behind me. I hear Liam knocking on my door.

"Callie, please let me in. Jessie and I were just playing."

He keeps knocking.

"Callie c'mon. Don't be a sour puss."

He knocks one more time.

"Callie come on babe!"

He called me babe? The knocking stops and its silent. I quietly tiptoe over to my vanity and set my plate of food down. Then, I tiptoe to the door and place my ear gently to it. I here nothing. I unlock my door and open the door swiftly and quietly. I leave the door open and step out into the hall. I walk closer and closer to the steps when I hear a crack coming from the other side of the hallway. My head darts around and I see a shadow run quickly. I tiptoe to the corner and look.

No one is there.

I turn back around and I see Liam standing with a playful smirk on his face.

"Come here Cal."

I begin to walk backwards not wanting Liam to catch me. He walks towards me and I begin to run. I hear Liam on my ass so I pick up the speed. I'm getting ready to turn a corner but Liam's too fast. He grabs me by the waist and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I begin to laugh and Liam takes me back into my room and gently lays me down on the bed.

"Well that was fun Cal."

"I guess so. You win Payne."

Liam smiles and walks over to me.

"What was that?"

I giggle to myself and Liam hovers over me and begins tickling my sides.

"Ahahhahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Get off of me Liam!" I scream.

Liam obliges and gets off of me.

"Ugh. My tummy and sides hurt. Thanks Liam." I snort sarcastically.

"No problem babe." Liam speaks.

He lays down next to me and we are starring at my ceiling. I look over at Liam and smile.

"What?" He questions me.

"Nothing. Its just, nothing."

I get up and grab my plate and finish my breakfast. I grab my dishes and take them downstairs to the sink. I throw my dishes into the sink and go sit on the couch. My phone buzzes. I reach for it and check my message. It's from Henry. Oh gosh. Henry. The guy I have been crushing on since eight grade. Why is he texting me? I open the message to see what it says.

'Hey Emma!(: I was wondering if you wanted to chill today. I heard you moved to Australia and I didn't know if you remembered that I go to school here. Just lemme know I'm free all day. Talk to you later !(:'

Shit. That's right. He came to Australia to come to school. Hm. Should I hang out with him?

'Hey Henry! It just clicked. Lol. I remember you go to school here. I'm actually free today too. So you can stop over whenever. My address is 24 Spruce Spring Boulevard. See you then!'

I can't believe myself. The guy I've loved since eighth grade finally wants something to do with me.

HEY BABIES! So I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 5638282 years. I've been SOOOOO busy with school. I have homework out the ass, lol. Also, I'm having family problems. I'm going to try to update She's Not Afraid today too! so I'll keep you guys updated. Stay sexual. ;)

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