Chapter 9

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Callie's POV

"Thank you so much for coming Phillip."

"Anything for you Cal. Now let's go get you cleaned up." 


Phillip carries me upstairs and into my bathroom in my room. 

"Damn Callie, I haven't been in here since like tenth grade aha."

I look up and smile at Phillip. God I love him so much.

Phillip sets me down on the counter and gets a clean rag. He starts to dab it on my cheek, which is bleeding slightly. 

"Here Cal, hold this here I'm going to go get something from your freezer for your eye. I'll be right back.", Phillip states. 

"Okay. And don't act smart ass fucker." I smirk at Phillip and I get a middle finger in return. I gently climb off my counter and go sit down in my bed. I honestly cannot believe Derrick came to my house. How does he even know where I live? His mom would never let him come over. She had this like obsession with her kids about going to girls houses. Like what the fuck kind of mother were you? I giggle to myself. I'm so funny sometimes. It's been about ten minutes and Phillip isn't back yet. What the hell is taking him so long? I stand up carefully and walk to the top f the staircase. I yell loudly,

"Phillip where the fuck are you. Hurry the fuck up!"

I walk back into my room laughing to myself when I hear feet come running up the stairs. I lay back down on my bed and stop laughing, but I can't control my laughter. "What the fuck is so funny Callista?" Phillip giggles. "Fuck you. You know how I feel about my name jackass." Phillip smiles and starts to laugh. After he's done laughing his ass off he walks over to me and hands me a frozen bag of broccoli. 

"Why broccoli? You know I hate raw broccoli Phillip!" I start laughing at him for his stupidity. Phillip smirks, "I don't know. You didn't have corn." I start laughing hysterically and almost pee my pants. Phillip joins in and now we're both laughing our asses off. "Hey Cal, well I gotta get going. Michael wants to hang out, but I will definitely come visit you later, like Saturday." I completely stop laughing and my smile turns into a frown. "I forgot to tell you, um, I-I-I'm moving to Australia with Jessie and Aleah." Phillip looks upset. "You're leaving Saturday aren't you?" Phillip mumbles. "Actually, aha, you see, I'm leaving tomorrow." Phillip looks really pissed off, but I can't do anything. "Oh, alright. Have fun in Australia with your best friend. Bye." 

And with that, Philip slams my front door shut. Fuck everything. I set the rag and bag of broccoli down on my carpet and turn out my lamp and attempt to fall asleep. I keep tossing and turning, but I just can't sleep.I take my phone off of my armoire and get on Twitter. I make a new tweet,

"@ItsCallieBitchh, I think I just lost my favorite guy in the world. Sorry Phil. </3 @PLeonard69"

I publish my tweet and scroll through my followers. Why the hell am I following Liam Payne and Harry Styles? I click on Liam's profile and read his recent tweets. 

"@Real_Liam_Payne, Finally here! Can't wait to chill by the beach side and sip some lemonade!"

Hm, I wonder where they're heading to? Why do I care? I hate their band, One Dimension or some stupid shit like that. I do have to admit, they are pretty hot, but I can't like them. I favorite and re-tweet Liam's tweet. I close my phone and finally fall asleep. 

*********Liam's POV***********

I am laying on Niall's shoulder when I feel my phone vibrate signaling I have a notification. I sit up straight and grab my phone out of my pocket. The boys and I are finally in Australia and I'm so excited to get to our condo and fall asleep. I have a notification from Twitter so I open Twitter to see what it is. I'm totally shocked. That Callie girl re-tweeted and favorited my recent tweet. Holy crap. This is awesome. Should I tweet her? I don't know! Should I like one of her tweets, or comment on one. I go to her profile and and read her recent tweets. 

"@ItsCallieBitchh, I think I just lost my favorite guy in the world. Sorry Phil. </3" Whit PLeonard69 tagged which I'm guessing is Phil. I decide to comment on her tweet. 

"@Real_Liam_Payne to @ItsCallieBitchh, I'm sorry to hear about your favorite guy in the world. I hope he forgives you for whatever happened. Stay strong love. xx" 

I re-read my tweet making sure it sounds okay and not stupid. I hit send and wait for my next notification. I lock my phone and put it back in my pocket. I wake the rest of the lads up, telling them we are in Australia and will be landing soon. Everybody wakes up and we start small talk. Fifteen minutes later the pilot comes over the intercom telling us that we're landing in five minutes. 

Five minutes later we have landed and the lads and I board off the plane and go to get our luggage. Once our luggage finally comes we grab it and speed away to our condo. We arrive at our condo about a half hour later and I notice there is a condo next to ours. I wonder who will be living there for the summer. Everybody grabs their stuff out of the limo and we all pile in to our condo. We find each of our rooms and say our good nights. I trail off to my room and put my suitcase down and get ready for bed. I plug my IPhone charger in and begin to charge my phone. I get under the covers and fall into a very, very peaceful sleep. 


YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY I UPDATED! I'm still at y grandmothers. leaving tomorrow. I'll keep you guys updated! Everybody stay sexy && vote, comment, and share! I love you all. goodnight! 

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