Chapter 23 - "I just wanted you to come home."

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Both Brian and Dom, tried to get a part of Braga's team, just like Letty and I did.

Mia and I was waiting anxiously for them to return. Even though Mia wouldn't admit it, she still cared about Brian.

But she had no idea how dangerous it would be for them.
I almost couldn't sleep at night, but I couldn't risk calling Dom, because I was still under protection from the FBI.

Mia and I was talking in the kitchen as suddenly Mia's phone rang.

Her face quickly changed, as she picked up.

I felt my heartbeat rise in worry.

"Okay, we'll be there soon." She said into the phone before she hung up.

She looked at me before she stood up and started gathering some things. 

"What's going on?" I asked confused and worried.

"Dom and Brian are back. Dom's hurt." Mia answered, collecting her things. A cold shiver ran through my body, by her words.

"Let's go." I said, as I shot up from my seat.
I quickly grabbed my car keys and stormed off to my car with Mia.

Mia explained, where to find their hiding place, on the way.

We arrived and pulled up behind a 2008 Subaru Impreza Wrx STI .

We hurried to the door and knocked.

Brian opened the door.
"Hi." I said before I quickly passed him.

I found Dom sitting on a chair.

"Thank god." I relieved, as I saw him.
I hurried to him and kissed him.

I heard Mia and Brian talk on their way to us.

"ls this your way of keeping me away from him?" Mia asked, smirking.

"You're the only one l could call." Brian explained.

"He's my brother, of course." Mia said as she walked in.

She walked to Dom and looked at his wound.

"The bullet's not in there.
I'm gonna clean it and stitch it up.
It's going to hurt." Mia said as she examined the wound.

"I bet you're going to enjoy this." Dom said smirking.

"A little." Mia chuckled.

Mia started to clean and stitch the wound up.

I sat down beside Dom, and took a hold of his hand. He gently touched my ring and smirked at me.

"I guess this means you still want to marry me." He said smiling.

"Of course, I'll still marry you." I chuckled, giving him a look.
We both leaned in and kissed, smiling widely.

"Dom, you have to sit still." Mia ordered.

"Okay okay." Dom laughed.

Brian left, to go get some food.

He returned with Chinese food. In the meantime, Mia and I had set the table.

I was sitting on Dom's lap, as Brian walked in.

"It's almost like old times." He said almost laughing.

"Yeah. It's nice, isn't it?" I said smiling, as I looked between them all. A warm smile spread across their faces.

We all sat down at the small table and started passing the boxes around.

"Want some of this?" Mia asked Dom.

"Yeah." Dom answered.

"It's spicy." Mia added.

"I like it hot." Dom said smirking, looking over at me, and my blushing cheeks, before he started to eat.

"Dom, what are you doing?" Mia protested, making Dom stop and look confused at her.

"You reached first, you have to say grace." Mia said, earning herself a warm and proud smile from Dom.

Dom looked at me and Brian and smirked, before he started.

"Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table." He started.

"With food, family and friendship." Mia continued for Dom, making warm smiles spread around the tables. I reached out for Dom, and placed my hand in his. I was so glad, that we were back together, even though some of our family was missing.

After dinner, we sat down at the table again and talked, while Dom went to look through Letty's old stuff.

"You asked me why l let Dom go." Brian started, looking at Mia.
We both looked surprised at him.

"I think it's because at that moment,
I respected him more than I did myself." Brian explained.

Mia smiled softly at him.

"One thing I learned from Dom, is that nothing really matters, unless you have a code." Brian continued.

He was so right about that.

"And what's your code, Brian?" Mia asked.

"I'm working on it." Brian answered, just before his phone suddenly rang. The caller ID said Letty.

I looked confused at him, and then realized Dom had Letty's phone.

"Shit." Brian cursed under his breath, just as Dom walked into the room.

"Hey, Dom." Brian started, getting up from his chair walking towards Dom.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Dom hissed.

"Dom, what are you doing?" Mia asked confused, with worry in her voice.

"When were you gonna tell me you were running Letty and Jess?" Dom asked again, raising his voice.

"Let me explain. . ." Brian started, but was interrupted by Dom.

"When were you gonna. . ." Dom yelled before he grabbed Brian and threw him into a shelve.

"Dom, stop!" Mia and I yelled.

"You don't understand." Brian tried, as Dom held him by his collar.

"I don't understand?" Dom hissed.

"Stop ! Stop it Dom!" I yelled, just before Dom threw Brian through the room.

He quickly ran to him again and punched him multiple times in the face.

"Dom, stop! Dom, stop it ! Please stop !" Mia and I yelled again.

"Jess, could have been killed too!" Dom yelled as he hit Brian again.

"She did it for you, Dom! She did it for you!" Brian yelled, leaving a shocked, guilty and hurt expression on his face.

Dom stopped, turned around and looked at me.

"They came to me to clear your name in exchange for bringing down Braga." Brian explained, while Dom just stared at me.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I started to shake.

"Don't blame Brian. It's all my fault. It was my idea.
We just wanted you to come home.
We wanted to bring our family back together." I said, my voice almost breaking.

"I'm sorry Dom. I'm so sorry." I said crying.

Dom walked to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I just wanted you to come home." I said almost whispering.

Dom gently stroke my hair.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're okay." Dom said softly.

He held me so close, like he was afraid to lose me.

"I just wanted you to come home." I whispered, with the tears streaming down my face.

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