As soon as we got home, I walked upstairs. I just needed to be alone, and neither Brian or Mia questioned it.
I felt so heartbroken and confused.
I looked around the bedroom we once shared. It seemed much darker and emptier than usual.
We had to do something. I couldn't spend 25 years without him. Or raise this child without him.After a while, I went downstairs, where I found Mia and Brian, sitting at the kitchen table, talking about a plan.
They both turned their attention towards me, as they heard me coming down the stairs.
"Tell me about your plan." I said with a serious look, as I walked up to them and took a seat.
_We had a week until Dom was transferred to Lompoc.
Brian and I finished the Charger just in time. It almost made me feel a bit happy again. It was nice spending time with Brian, and working on the car that meant so much to me.
We knew if we went through with the plan, we had to run. So we packed all our stuff and put the house for sale.
I carried my last bags to the Charger with Mia.
"Are you ready for this?" She asked, almost concerned. She knew I didn't want a life on the run, but she also knew that I couldn't live without Dom either.
"Can't wait." I chuckled, putting the last bags in the car. I was nervous - What if something went wrong? But at the same time I couldn't wait to see Dom again and to be with him.
"Okay, let's go through the plan one more time." Brian started, as he walked up to us.
"I'll take the Charger. You two take your own cars. And then we'll switch after Dom's out." Brian explained.
Mia and I nodded in agreement. Brian would get my car.
"But if you leave as much as a scratch on my Roadrunner, I'll beat the crap out of you." I said teasingly, to Brian.
"Let's go." I said cheerfully, walking to my car. I took a last look back at the house, who held so many memories, before I jumped in and drove off with Mia and Brian.
_We finally reached the bus, and I felt my heartbeat rise.
Was this really a good idea? Somebody could get hurt or we could all get caught.
But all my thoughts disappeared, as Mia drove in front of me.
It was showtime.
Mia and I drove in front of the bus and zigzagged between each other.
We drove a bit ahead of the bus and then made an 180 turn. I couldn't help but chuckle from the excitement.
We passed Brian, who pulled in front of the bus too, before Mia and I drove directly towards the bus, making it swerve to the left.
Brian stepped on the brake, making the bus run into the Charger.
I held my breath as I watched the bus flip through the air. My doubt returned. Maybe it wasn't such a good plan.
A shaky breath escaped my lips, as the bus finally stopped on its side.
"Dom?!" I yelled anxiously as I got out of my car, after pulling up beside the crashed bus.
People were slowly crawling out of the bus. "Dom!" I yelled again, getting really anxious.
"I'm right here." A deep husky voice said a few meters behind me. I turned around and saw Dom smiling at me.
I felt the relief wash over me together with the joy of seeing him again.
I quickly ran to him and hugged him.
"I'm so glad you're okay." I said relieved.
Mia and Brian quickly walked up to us, and greeted Dom.

Moving At The Speed Of Life
FanfictionA Fast and Furious Love Story. Dom/Oc *Edited version of the "My New Family"-series.