(4) Cursed |Scarlet's POV|

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I wished to get lost within the layer of grey, behind the angry clouds shaped into bizarre forms, into the coming storm just so I could escape the echoing wind of his body gliding through the air as he walked toward me.

We were in a white desert, sand everywhere I looked, just the pregnant clouds above different in their color and the man approaching me.

His face smiling underneath the heaving clouds ready to pour down. His hand extended toward mine in a silent offer to take it.

I wanted to scream at him, claw at him, break him the same way he broke me.

To pieces.

"Come to me," he said with a pleading look in his spring eyes. "Come to me, Scarlet."

His alpha voice reverberated through my every fiber as I struggled to stop the motion of my body, halt the movement of my feet toward him.

And inch forth then an inch back. Feet sinking into the sand.

I shivered suddenly freezing.

"Why?" I breathed out, reason emerging from beneath his crushing intent to make me do as he wished. "What do you need from me now?"

A blinding smile broke across his face turning it into one I hadn't seen before. He didn't look like the man I knew him to be.

A man who was not a man.

"You," he told me. "I need you, Scarlet. Come to me."

The clouds ripped in sound. Thunder followed his voice. A distant echo reached my ear as a piece of paper fell from above.

'Soon,' a voice that I didn't recognize was saying.

'Soon,' the note promised.

"Don't listen to it. Just come to me, Scarlet," he whispered, reaching for me.


I woke up to the sound of thunder, the wheeze of air ripped out of my lungs and my own loud heartbeat in my head. The world inside the darkness of my room felt as cold and frightening as the one inside my dream—a world where he ruled and had all the means to crush me.

Take everything left of me.

Throwing the covers off myself, I slipped out of my bed. Passing by the single window in my simple room, I could see the sky outside was still dark. The clouds were nestled together just like they were in my dream. A storm was raging and pouring its fists down on the earth as once again nature proved there was no mercy in this world.

The Moon, present a few hours ago, was now cocooned by angry sky. Whether she watched behind the curtain or not—saw it or didn't—she wouldn't care either way. Not about her children and certainly not about something as trivial as a storm.

She was a cruel goddess who wouldn't answer to pleas and I didn't need her to.

Someone else already had.

Slipping on my clothes, hours or maybe minutes later, I made my way to the kitchen downstairs.

Being the only female that actually lived in the packhouse with the alpha and a few of his closest men, I was the first one to arrive. He claimed it was for my own protection that I was forced to share the place with him, but I knew better. He was keeping me close so he could keep a close watch on me, yet, ironically, it proved true that the closer I stuck to him the safer I was from my old packmates who would go out of their way just to give me hell.

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