(33) Wiser Choices |Scarlet's POV|

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#Enjoy with good music. I just found this remix and I've already listened to it more times than I can count on my fingers :)



PS> Florence is love

Closing the door behind me, the click it gave sounded like finality. It left me small and scared in that house of torture. Refusing to face my demons, I managed to pull myself together before I started my descent down the stairs.

Into my own private purgatory. Frozen in time.

I wasn't going to hide in his room. I wasn't planning on becoming a coward. I was going to face them. Regardless. Or perhaps exactly because it was going to hurt me seeing them.

For how long would you keep hurting before you lost all feeling?

I found the pack clustered around the dining room table. It was a big room and a big table, but not that big. There were a lot of people, more than I remembered ever seeing in that room. They all sat closely together, barely any breathing space in between them. Even Jaz and Hunter who usually kept to themselves had come for dinner. Assembled alongside my former packmates, they were chatting jovially like they were old friends who were meeting for the first time after years of separation.

Cole and Adam were sitting on the side opposite Hunter and Jazmine. Sasha had taken the place next to Adam. Alpha sat at the head of the table, the seat next to him empty, the two closest to the head occupied by Jason and his beta.

Taking a minute to inspect the scene presented to me, it felt so bizarre I even considered taking my phone out and snapping a picture of it in case one day I forgot what a sight taken right out of a nightmare was.

Festering. Acrid. Like a back stab wound, you became aware of only once it started to ooze out. It was how I felt watching the gathering.

The monster, the one I knew was caged inside of me, raised an ugly head. I'd almost forgotten it was there. I'd almost forgotten that I needed more than air to survive. But now, seeing how my former pack lured them into the pretense of a magical show, I remembered.

Yet, I could do nothing about it. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to do anything. It was monsters who were befriending other monsters.

It was no longer a question of who was family but of who was the lesser evil. I let out a soft sign and made myself a promise to keep my soul intact. I'd made my mistakes. It was time I started making wiser choices.

He glanced back. Whether it was the bond or my eyes on him that alarmed him of my presence, he didn't look surprised to find me faltered on the doorway. Fixing me with these soulful pools of green, he stared at me. A flicker of his pain passed across his face and then it was swept away. Just a moment he allowed me to see what he held inside, it was how long it lasted before a stony mask replaced it.

Alpha's hand rose to rest on the chair next to him and he then offered me a silent dare – refuse his offer and challenge him in front of his pack or slump down in defeat.

Seeing his alpha's diverted attention, Sasha glanced up. She looked right at me and smirked.

"I'm not sure she must sit by your side, alpha Regan. She's not officially our luna yet." And she might never become our luna. She never said the last, but the implication was obvious by the tone she used. It hung in the air like the pink elephant no one dared mention.

Everyone and everything fell quiet after her comment. From the people positioned around the table to the clatter of dishes being prepared by the women who tended to the house. Perhaps, there were whispers, hushed conversations into the pack link, but I had no way of knowing since I was no longer a part of that link.

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