(11) Breathless|Regan's POV|

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#This chapter was revised and some parts of it were deleted to fit Wattpad regulations. If you are a mature reader, you can find the full chapter in the Private Chapters' book on my profile.

Enjoy reading. :) 

A beast roamed this territory – a land claimed from the dead. That land was both mine and wasn't. It was hers. It was theirs.

I could remember that night clearly even now. Like a horror engraved into my mind, it sometimes haunted my nightmares – she was the one haunting my dreams. A faceless woman, she evaded me most often than not. She crept closer to me, extending her hand in an offer of love only to take it back before I could take it.

I knew what her face looked like now. She was no longer just a dream. Both her face and soul stood naked before my eyes: her face beautiful like a moon on a summer night, her soul dark like a coal. I'd tainted it myself.

My wolf took me farther from that house, deeper into the forest that surrounded it. Whisper of wind rippled through my fur, gliding gently as my wolf ran from that place of dreams shattered and nightmares awake.

It was just a small fragment of my fractured past, nevertheless, it came back to torment me. The discovery of her identity was creating a new kind of misery for me to live in – the life of a cursed man.

The need for her flowed through my veins. Exhaustion burned in the animal's muscles. Fatigue slowly slithered its way in. Once I let my body rest it would ebb out, but the urge to claim was never going to fade.

Mark her or mate her – it was stuck for good.

I slowed down my pace and padded along the forest path leading toward the meadow. The place was quiet. Only the whispers of surrounding nature reminded me I was part of a world shared with others; I was still alone without her.

Even here, in the open, the beast was pacing. His mate rejection limited his movements, turned him into a caged animal. A beast placed in a cage was dangerous.

Sitting down on my hind legs, I turned my gaze toward the skies. They were stormy gray like her eyes were to me. Judgmental and condemning.

The Moon didn't exist in that cloudy sky but the wolf couldn't stop. His muzzle parted to show teeth that could bite through flesh and bones. His howl filled up the place.

Both the beast and the man were crying out. Their mate wasn't going to answer that call and surrender herself to them. The beast inside me knew that and so did I, but I had to hope.

Lifting that song to the skies might have been pointless, but I needed to tell her even if no actual words came from the wolf's mouth. I stayed on that meadow, on a grass that was no longer green but dying, and called out for her. For hours long.

Once I made my way back to the house I found it as quiet as the woods outside. The few others who resided here were gone – probably staying in town for the night so they could give us the space my mate and I needed. There were issues between us that we needed to resolve and I was glad the pack understood that.

I sneaked my way to my chamber. I had to get myself under control before I faced her. I needed to be presentable in front of her and shifting was most often a messy deal. It left the body sticky with sweat from the exertion such transformation would be on it. I had to use an appeal she would appreciate and since my body was the only thing that she was going to find attractive for a while, I had every intention make it work to my advantage.

Discarding the clothes I slipped in before coming into the house, I hopped into the shower. For several long minutes, I just stood under the spray of water, letting it wash off both sweat and anger.

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