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Laura's POV

"Oh my god!" I shout when I see Ross and Sydney making out on the couch. Ross and Sydney jump apart.

"What? What happened?" Rydel runs up looks at me and then at Ross and Sydney. I turn and run up the stairs tears falling from my eyes.


Rydel's POV

After Laura leaves the room I turn to Ross and Sydney who are still sitting on the couch. "Really Ross?" I shake my head disapprovingly then turn and head upstairs to check on Laura. I knock on the door and there is no answer so I open it and look inside. Laura was laying face down on her bed crying. "Hey Laura are you okay?" I ask carefully sitting down on the bed next Laura.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" Laura says as she picks up her head to look at me.

"Hey I'm sure there is an explanation for all of this because Ross would never do anything to hurt you." I continue.

"Yeah that's what I was stupid enough to believe." Laura say tears coming faster now.

"Okay you are not stupid." I reassure Laura.

"Now I have to return that stupid dress." Laura cries pointing to the shopping bags on the ground from our shopping trip earlier.

"No you don't we'll go to the dance just you and me, we don't need dates." I suggest. "Come on it will be fun." I say shaking Laura.

"Okay fine." She says giving me a small smile. "Can I have some alone time for a little bit?" Laura asks politely .

"Sure." I say getting up and leaving as I am closing the door Ross walks up to the door. "Sorry Ross I don't think it is a good idea for you to go in there right now." I exclaim standing between him and the door.

"Rydel please I need to talk to her." Ross pleads.

"Sorry not gonna happen." I answer sternly. "I think it's best for both of you if you give her a little time to cool off." I continue. Ross nods and finally gives up walking across the hall to his room and slamming the door.


Laura's POV

After Rydel left I heard her talking to Ross outside my door then someone slammed their door. I bet it was Ross, but why is he mad he was the one that messed up. After a couple minutes of silence I open the door and peak out into the hallway to make sure nobody is around. When I think it is clear I run down the stairs. I head out into the backyard and go and sit on the diving board my feet dangling over the end in the water. Then I start to softly singing you Can Come To Me to myself. Holding back my tears.


Ross' POV

I was laying on my bed blaring music and staring at my ceiling. What have I done? Sydney kissed me I got caught up in the moment and kissed her back. I hurt one of the people who I cared about the most. I get up and start pacing around my room. I stop at my window and pull open my window. I lean up against my windowsill and watch as cars pass. Then I hear a soft melody I listen closely and recognize the melody of You Can Come To Me. It sounds like it is coming from the backyard. I run out into the hallway and go to the window that is a little down the hall. I throw open the curtains to see Laura sitting on the diving board her feet dangling in the water and singing to herself. Then a light bulb goes off in my head and I run to Riker's room and knock on his door. He opens it in a couple seconds I rush into his room.

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