Chapter 9

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Liam set our date for 9 the next night. Since it was already late everyone immediately went to bed. The next morning the boys had rehearsals all day so I just stayed in the bus.

I tried to pass the time by playing video games, reading, and checking social media. After what seemed like days, I decided to text Eleanor and Perrie.

Me: hey guys, wanna help me get dressed for my date with Liam tonight?



------10 min later----------
I was dressed and went outside the tourbus to meet the girls. We drove to the mall, and decided to go to forever 21. After about 30 minutes I had found NOTHING. I almost gave up until Eleanor found the perfect red dress that cut off at my mid thigh!! I tried it on, then decided to buy it along with silver heels and accessories.

We grabbed something to eat then went back to the bus to prepare. When we got to the bus, the boys were there. I was confused. I looked at Louis and asked, "I thought you guys were rehearsing?". He smiled before replying, "We got done early! YAY!". I laughed at his enthusiasm before being cut off my the girls. "Well sorry because we have to help Madison prepare for tonight. BYEEEE!" They explained before taking me to the back room.

we pretty much goofed off for an hour then I decided to get ready. First, I hopped into the shower, and put on my undergarments. I slipped on my dress and then went back to the girls. Eleanor did my makeup, and Perrie did my hair. THEY. DID. AMAZING! My hair was curled down my back. I had silver eyeshadow, winged eyeliner and mascara. I put on my shoes & accessories then took a deep breathe before slowly going into the front room. Eleanor and Perrie went in front to "introduce" me.

I walked in and all eyes were on me. I turned a bright red, not from the attention, but the fact that Liam was in a suit. He looked incredibly handsome and I couldn't believe he was my boyfriend. Liam walked up to me and said, "You look so beautiful, love". I blushed, AGAIN. "Thanks, Li! You look handsome yourself!".

Liam led me to our car and let me in before getting in himself. Earlier I had asked where we were going but he wouldn't say. The car ride was full of hand holding and singing along to the radio.

------after the car ride------

Once I got out I was SHOCKED. Liam had brought me to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Liam held out his hand and we went in. He has reserved the most private table for two in the whole place! He slid my chair out for me and I sat down, smiling wide.

We sat for a while until our waitress came. She looked kinda slutty but I won't judge. She adjusted her shirt so her boobs were hanging out. WOW. She looked at Liam, " hey babe, what can I get you to drink?". He answered with water. She then turned to me with a rude face, "What about you?". I politely answered. Once she walked away I tried to hide the annoyance on my face but it didn't work as Liam asked, "Is something wrong?".

I took a deep breath before answering, "No it was nice seeing that waitress all over you..." having slight sarcasm in my voice. He sighed before taking my hands. "Madison, I only love YOU! You mean the world to me. She doesn't even phase me. Why would I want her when the most beautiful girl in the world is sitting in front of me?". I blushed and replied "Thanks, Li... I'm sorry I guess I just.... I never thought I would even meet you much less be DATING you... I've been in love with you from the day I found the band and I guess my jealousy kicks in...." He smiled and kissed my hand.

--------after dinner-----------

We got in the car to go back to the tourbus. Once we arrived we got out of the car, but Liam stopped me before I got in the bus. He turned and looked me in the eyes. "Madison, I just hope you know how much I love you... And I want to show you in one of the most special ways I can..." he said. I was confused, especially when he brought me on the bus and the other 4 boys stood behind him. He took a deep breathe before saying, "So we've been dating for a while now and I thought I'd show you just how much I love you thru song....". I had my mouth open in shock as him & the boys sang a song just for me! It was called "You & I".

Once the song has finished, I had tears in my eyes. I slowly walked up to Liam and gently grabbed his face before passionately kissing him. At that moment I knew I am in love with Liam Payne. We stood there for a while passionately kissing and it seemed like we were the only ones in the world. We both pulled away, and Liam whispered, "I love you Maddie".... I replied, "I love you Li".. Meaning every word.

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