Chapter 20

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We just arrived at the ballroom where the after party was being held. Liam escorted me in and once inside he turned to me and asked, "Are you ready?" I nodded knowing he meant meeting his family. He took one of my hands and lead me to where they were. I could see Karen and Geoff from here. We walked up to them and Karen immediately wrapped Liam in a hug. "MY BABY BOY! I've missed you!" She said before seeing me. "And you must be Madison! It's so nice to meet you Hun!" She wrapped me in a hug before I answered, "Nice to meet you too mrs Payne!" She waved at me and said "Call me Karen!" I nodded and moved to Liam's dad. He stuck out his hand for me to shake and I gladly accepted. He said, "I'm Geoff! Nice to meet you dear!" "Nice to meet you too mr Payne!"

I also met Liam's sisters, and some other members that I can't quite remember because there were so many. NOW IS THE BIG ONE. My real family.

I nodded at Liam before walking away to find Louis. I found him and tapped him on the shoulder. I whispered, "L-Louis I-I'm ready now"... He nodded and began leading me over towards them. Before we got there he stopped, leaned over and whispered "It's gonna be ok Maddie. They're gonna love you". We walk over to them and immediately I feel tears form in my eyes. Louis walks up to who I know as johannah, and they whisper back and forth. Suddenly she looks me straight in the eyes, runs towards me and engulfs me in a hug. She kisses my forehead and says "My baby girl.... You're finally back home!". I look up at her shocked, "Y-you mean you're g-glad to see me?" I ask confused. She has a shocked expression before explaining, "Of course baby! I've been searching for you for years and years! I immediately regret my decision to put you up for adoption. I'm glad to have my baby girl back!". Those words alone caused the tears I had held to fall. I held my mother tightly while sobbing in her arms.

I met my stepdad who was pretty amazing along with my actual father. I walk over to my sisters only to be immediately tackled in a dog pile! Phoebe, daisy, Charlotte, and felicite all begin saying how much they missed me and how we have to catch up on lost time. Once greeting everyone I run back to Louis. "T-thanks for getting me to do this Lou. It's like my heart is whole again..." I whisper shedding tears of joy. He only responds with a simple nod and a tight hug.

-------3 hours later---------
The after party ended pretty early in the morning about 4am! The boys & I headed back to the bus ready to pass out. We still have two more shows at the 02. Cami and Haley both gave me hugs and told me how proud of me they are. How did I get so blessed with the greatest friends, family, and BF I could ask for?

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