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New story! I'm very excited. I've been sitting on this plot for a while and now it's finally happening. Okay, so basically Kellin is 7 and Vic is 9. The two boys have very different lifestyles and personalities, but they marry well together and become really close and then blah blah blah.
The entire story will not be them as kids, but it's crucial for me to play that out for a while and then ((ADULTHOOD)) also, I have just discovered how difficult it is to write with the mentality of a child, but I tried.

"Charlie!" I called out for my furry friend.

"Where have you gone now?" I asked to mostly myself. I ran around my large room, thumping along the wooden floor that creaked with every other step. I looked in every crook and cranny, trying to find that black and white cat. She was always playing hide and seek with me. Silly thing she is.

I crouched down and checked under my bed, lifting the duvet that hangs from it. She usually ran under there when she was hiding, so she should be here. I peaked under, spotting a small cat hiding under it.

"Charlie!" I call out to her, causing her to jump in fear, her green, glowing eyes flickering to mine quickly. She ejected a loud meow from her tiny body before running out from under the bed and out of my room. I quickly stood up and chased after that silly kitten, with the boy name even though she wasn't. She scurried down the hall, but I was determined to catch her. But Charlie took an unexpected turn at the end of the hall, taking me off guard and causing me to run into the small vase that was placed at the end. I don't think it was important, but I knew it was expensive, like most things in this house that I was constantly told not to touch.

"Oh, no! no!" I cried, flinging my arms around in attempts to catch the structure before it could crash to the ground, but I had no such luck. It shattered on the hardwood floor with an echo. The pieces flew everywhere, and I didn't even have a chance to hide the evidence before I heard my name being yelled.

"Kellin, what was that!?"

"Nothing!" I blatantly lied.

Of course they did not believe me. I heard Ms.Reed and her clicking heels against the stairs that she was walking up. As soon as she hits the top, she will see me and my mess. I wanted to quickly push the glass away so she wouldn't see, or take Charlie and lock myself in my room, but I was frozen. My thoughts were not working with my body whatsoever.

She reached the top of the stairs before I could intake another breath, and her eyes showed nothing but disappointment. Ms.Reed was my nanny who has been around since I was a baby. She was an older, white women who dressed in ugly brown slacks and floral blouses. But she was the only person I had, really. When I was born, my mom died in the hospital after giving birth to me, so I didn't really know her. And my dad is an actor who puts everything into his work. I don't see him much, and only talk to him when he has time. So I'm pretty much being raised by Ms. Reed- and I hated that so much.

"What did you do?" She asked, walking over to me and the scene with her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I cried, terrified that she'll hit me. Ms. Reed is old-fashioned, so she spanks me as punishment often, but I can't say anything or she'll do it again. I hate her so much.

"What did I tell you about running in the house?"

"I didn't mean to," I tried, but it didn't stop her from grabbing my hand and yanking me towards her. She had me turned away from her, so I knew what was coming next. I screwed my eyes shut, just wanting this to be over before it has even really started.

"No, please!" I pleaded, tears starting to run down my face. I wish my dad was here, anybody but her. I don't know my dad too well, but he must be better than her.

"You're a bad boy, Kellin," she said through her teeth.

"Stop!" I yelled, twisting my hand and moving frantically to slip out of her grip. She was holding onto me, tightly, but her fingers were frail and it was easier than I thought it would be to pull my arm away from her. My eyes sprung open in surprise that I was out of her grip, and fear because I had just gotten out of her grip.

"Charlie, come on," I instructed to her, running away from Ms. Reed and down the stairs. Ms.Reed yelled for me to come back to her, but I wouldn't listen.

Charlie did as she was told, and we rushed out of the house, completely. Usually, when I get into trouble with Ms. Reed, I go to my room with Charlie and cry, but this time I just left. I knew I could outrun her because she was so old, so why not take the chance.

I lived in a large house that had many acres of land around it, and not much else. There was just ages of space and the woods across. I decided to go in there, because I know Ms. Reed wouldn't expect that of me, so maybe it would take longer for her to find me. I went through the woods with Charlie, running like I was being chased. I had never been in here, so I had no idea where I was going, but maybe it was better that I was lost. It was better than being with that crude lady.

I ran until my sides ached, and my lungs screamed for me to stop. I was tired now, because I could run fast, but not for a long time. At some point my leg got caught on my other, and I tripped over myself. I landed with a thud, and Charlie was quick to come beside me and rub her body against my face.

I groaned and rolled over on my back, looking up to the fading sky. It would be night time soon. I was a little scared. I was scared that maybe went to far into the woods, and night would catch me before Ms.Reed could, and I'd die here.

I sat up and saw that I was in a secluded area of the forest that made a circle out of bushes around a large lake. I knew there was lake in here, I had just never seen it. It was really beautiful, though.

"Are you okay?" Somebody asked. I quickly shot my head up and saw a boy in front of me, wearing glasses and holding a book in his hand.

"Why were you running?" He asked me. He had a soft voice like I imagined my mom's would be. It was comforting in a depressing way.

"Uh, I was running from something bad," I told this boy, standing up and dusting the mud off my knees and clothing.

The boy's eyes became wide and he looked at me, concerned.

"Are you okay? Did it hurt you?" He asked, looking over my body.

"I'm fine," I nodded. "Um, who are you?" I cocked my head to the side and asked the boy.

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