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"Good Morning." I heard in barely a whisper. It sounded so far away, I couldn't differ it from a dream and reality. I groaned and turned over, away from the voice just wanting to sleep. I could feel my legs aching from last night. My body was nowhere ready to be awake yet.

"Kellin." The voice spoke again. This time I opened my eyes and tried to comprehend what was happening. I turned my head and was met with Sam in my bed. She laughed lightly before pressing her lips against my cheek. As sweet as the gesture, I was still kind of out of it, so I didn't really react.

"Mm...what time is it?" I mumbled, my eyes slowly falling closed again.

"10?" She answered. She said something else, but by then I was already asleep again.

When I woke up a few hours later, I was more alert and able to stay awake without my eyes burning, threating to shut closed again. I got out of bed in search for Sam since she wasn't in my bed anymore. She could have gone home, or maybe she was eating my cereal again. 

When I found her, she was sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv, but was more interested on her phone, once again. I snuck up behind her, slipping my hands over to cover her eyes, trying to be cute, The moment she felt my hands, she jumped and locked her phone, tossing it to the side. She then brought her own hands to hover over mine.

"Guess who," I said, even though the answer was pretty obvious.

"Hmm, David Beckham?" She joked. I dropped my hands and jumped over the back of the couch to sit neck to her.

"David Beckham?" I exclaimed. "Really?" I shot her a glare.

"Oh, come on." She laughed. "You know he's hot," She commented, hitting my arm, playfully. I stayed quiet because I knew how she felt about me liking boys in general. Even is she was only joking, i thought it would just be best to not make any comments.

"Hey, where were you yesterday?" I changed the subject. I still didn't know why Sam never came to pick me up from work, causing me to endure an awkward car ride home with Vic.

"When?" She responded.

"You were supposed to pick me up from work."

She offered me a blank stare before looking down to her hands. "Oh, yeah,  I was asleep. I'm real sorry." She apologized. She looked guilty so I accepted her apology.

"No, it's okay. It was pretty late." I said, making an accuse for her absence.


Work was much more intense tonight. I guess since it was Saturday people thought it was the perfect day to forget their morals at the door, and come in with the attitude to get fucked up. I didn't mind since they were all so much fun, but it did interfere with my work a bit. I had already mixed up 3 drinks in an hour, And although nobody ever really got mad, I got mad at myself because I should be taking this more seriously. Other than that, I was doing pretty well. Loads of people asked me to dance with them, although, I did think it was a little weird that I was only getting the guy's attention...

While walking around, trying to find somebody without a drink in their hands and dodging the creepy guys that hung around, I spotted the guy from yesterday. He was standing near the very back of the building, talking to some short boy who looked way too young to be in here. I wasn't jealous or anything, but the guy was practically a goldmine so I wanted all of his attention.

I walked over to him, suddenly worried about how sweaty I was, and if I looked good. I bumped my hip against him when I had reached him. He quickly looked down to me and smiled, completely dropping the conversation he was having with the other guy.

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