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I'm not going to lie, I was kind of a mess getting ready for dinner at Vic's tonight. I had no idea how I was supposed to dress, or how I should act while there. When I was at work it was different. We had a uniform and it wasn't solely about socializing.

When Gabe told me he was on his way over to pick me up, the stress rose over my head so I just threw on some random jeans that had holes in them, and a shirt that I was pretty sure was clean. I wasn't a messy person, really, But I grew up always having somebody who cleaned after me, and sometimes I forgot that when come home, the mess that I made myself will still be exactly where it laid before.

When Gabe had arrived I was pleased to see he was dressed down like I was. He had been to these dinners plenty, so he knew what to expect.

"Well, don't you look cute," He commented.

"So do you," I responded, looking I'm down.  I hadn't known Gabe long, but I knew him enough to know what he was like. He was a supper, bubbly guy who said what was on his mind, but never had any intentions to hurt anybody. From what I could tell, he was just a sincere guy who wanted to be a friend.

"God, that was gay," He laughed before pulling onto the road.

When we got to Vic's house, I was overwhelmed by how large it actually was. I guess I hadn't thought about how much Vic gets paid for what he does, and I could only assume his husband gets paid well, too. When you actually walked into the house, you could swear you just walked into a page of one of those home décor kind of magazines. Everything was so beautiful and perfectly placed. I was kind of jealous.

"Gabe, Kellin." I heard from Vic somewhere. He came out from what I could barely see was the kitchen. Unlike at work, he wasn't wearing an all black entire, which was kind of a disappointment because he wore it so well.  "Thanks for coming. Oh, Kellin, I want you to meet my husband, Andrew."

Simultaneously, Andrew, Vic's husband walked out of the kitchen as well. The blood in my body ran cold in realization of who he was. I was sick to my stomach at the mere thought that this guy is married, and yet had the audacity to think he could go off and try to pick me up without any consequences last night. Now that I think about it, Vic has a picture of the two of them on his desk, but I guess I hadn't recognized him because I had only seen the picture once, and now Andrew has longer hair, more tattoos, and is more...muscly.

Andrew came over to us, putting an arm around Vic's waist. I stared at his arm placement just thinking that it was all a lie. "Andrew, this is Kellin." He introduced me. Vic didn't do the same for  Gabe, so I could only assume they already knew each other.

"Kellin, nice to meet you," He said, reaching his hand out for mine, much like he had last night. Excpet this time he didn't push me up against the wall and kiss me. He shook my hand, respectively like this was the first time we were ever meeting.

"Likewise," I said, softly, pulling my hand away. He made me sick.

"Okay, well you guys can head into the kitchen. There's beer and please, help yourself to as much food as you'd like." Both Gabe and I thanked Vic. Gabe then brought his hand to the bottom of my back, pushing me in the direction of the kitchen. The second we turned the corner, I turned to Gabe with wide eyes.

"That was--"

"I know." He nodded, putting both his hands on my waist now, continuing to guide me in the kitchen.

"No, but he's--"

"I know, Kellin," He assured calmly, truning me around when we were before the food. I glared at Gabe wanting answers, but he was ignoring me, already filling a plate with all the delicious looking food. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate as well, pilling on whatever I thought looked good, which was pretty much everything.

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