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Hi there. It's my birthday and I'm in a good mood so here is an update. :)


Sneaking Vic into my house was a lot easier than I thought it would be. We entered through the back door and Ms. Reed was asleep on the living room couch even though it wasn't late yet, but like, she was old and old people needed to sleep a lot.

I took Vic right up to my room, really making sure I locked the door. The last thing I would want would be for somebody to come into my room and see Vic.

"Your room is really big, actually your whole house is really big." Vic praised, looking at my room, amazed.

"Yeah, I guess so." I didn't even realize the size of my house. It wasn't like I had seen many other houses, and this is where I've lived since I was a baby. I didn't know anything else.

Vic sat on my bed in the middle of the room, looking around while Charlie got up from where she previously was, and waltzed onto Vic's lap. "Hi, Charlie." He greeted, petting her head as she purred in approval. Vic seemed to be doing better now, but I was still worried about him.

"Um, are you hungry?" I asked.

Vic looked up to me and nodded. "How does a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich sound? It's kind of all I know how to make." I shrugged, but my sandwiches were really good so that must count for something, right?

"I'm actually allergic to peanuts." He said, well it was a good thing he told me now. That would have been bad.

"Oh, I'm allergic to seafood." I told him, empathizing.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I tried sushi and I, like almost died."

"That's what happened to me, but, you know, with peanuts." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

"Are you allergic to bananas?" I asked.

"No," he responded.

"Okay, good. I'll be back." I said before sliding back out the door. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, seeing that Ms. Reed was still asleep. In the kitchen I made Vic and I a sandwich of banana and strawberry jam, and then pouring us a glass of milk. Proud of myself, I plated it and thought about how good of a chef I was as I made my way back to my room and Vic.

When I got back, Vic was now looking around my room some more, more specifically my dresser. I walked over to him and noticed what he was looking at.

"Is that your mom?" he asked, pointing to the only picture I've ever seen of her. It was her, sitting in the middle of a bed with large, round glasses and big, 80's hair.

"She's really pretty."

I nodded in response, wishing I had more to say. I only knew how she looked in that very moment. She had a big, bright smile, but how did she look when she wasn't smiling? What did she look like when she was crying, laughing, sleeping, or singing her favorite song? I knew nothing about her, but she was my mom and surely I should know these things. I should love her, and miss her, but I didn't really feel anything for her.

"Oh, here." I said, changing the topic and presenting the plate of a sandwich cut in half, and the single glass of milk. "I only brought one glass because I couldn't carry two." I explained.

"That's okay, we can share." He smiled, making his way to my bed.

Vic and I lounged and ate our sandwich and talked about things that weren't too serious .It was nice just having somebody here to do nothing in particular with. He was like Charlie, except he could actually talk back to me instead of just giving me a long, desolate stare, meow, and eat. Vic was good company.

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