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Ms. Reed left to the grocery store near noon, leaving me with the cleaning lady that I had only talked to like once- cause she was a little weird. She did what she always did, which was listen to her music while she cleaned the house, so I knew that was my chance to leave. Ms. Reed made it clear that the cleaning lady was to watch over me, but she was young and more interested in cleaning as quickly as she could do she could leave. She didn't care about taking care of a child like me.

It really wasn't difficult to sneak out.  The moment she made her way upstairs, I went downstairs, unlocking the back door and then leaving. I decided that today I wouldn't be gone too long because usually when Ms. Reed went out into town, she was gone for a few hours, so I wanted to try to get back before she did to avoid getting into trouble.  And I decided to leave Charlie home today. She probably didn't like just sitting outside with us anyways. She was an indoors cat and I think it would be best to keep her out of the heat for a while.

I will admit, on my way to meet Vic, I got a bit lost because I didn't have Charlie to help guide me. I wandered around for a while, trying to find anything that looked familiar until I did eventually get on the right track. When I was nearly there-being the klutz I am- I ended up tripping over a branch and  falling onto my hands and knees, my knee hurting the most.

"Ouchies," I mumbled to myself, quickly standing up. I brushed my hands together, letting the dirt and small pebbles fall off them. My hands didn't look too bad, just a little scratched up, but my knee really did hurt and I wanted to cry. I never did well with pain. Whenever I got hurt, I would always end up running to Ms. Reed, crying, even on days where I hated her the most. I would sit on her lap, and she would hold me until I stopped crying, because she could be nurturing when she wanted to be.

Limping, I ended up making it to the spot. Vic was already there, he was sitting under the tree and reading a book. Aw, he looked so cute today. But never mind that, my leg is going to fall off!

When my feet touched all the mushy parts of the earth that was by the water, Vic looked up, catching glimpse of me. He smiled as hot tears sprung from my eyes and smoothly ran down my cheeks. His face changed into one of concern. He closed his book and took of his glasses. He didn't wear them all the time, so I guess he only had to use them when he was reading.

I made my way over to him, using my good leg more. Vic sat up and waited for me to reach him. When I did, I dropped to my butt, lifting up my shorts so I could see my knee. It was all scrapped up and bloody, which made me cry even more. Vic hissed when he saw it, getting closer to it to take a better look. I watched his face and waited for the bad news. Just tell me, is it a goner? Will this be the last day I ever use this leg!?

"What happened?" He asked in a soft tone.

"On my way over here I-I fell and Vic, it really hurts." I sobbed, making one of hands into a fist, bringing it to my eyes and rubbing it through tears.

He watched me with sympathetic eyes before looking back at the injury. "Pain, pain, go away. You are not allowed to stay," He sang, lightly before kissing it, softly. He then averted his eyes to me and  smiled. I stopped crying and watched him, just lightly being able to see my eyelashes that were heavy from being coated with my tears.

"How did you so that?" I sniffled.

"Magic." He answered. After he said that little thing and kissed my knee, all the pain went away.

"Who taught you how to do that?"

"My mom. She used to do it to me every time I got hurt, and it always worked." He smiled.

"Wow, you're mom must be really amazing" I commented but he didn't respond. I wish I could meet his mom, I want to know what they're like.

"Hey, is it cool having a mom?" I asked, and he looked back at me confused.

"Do you not have one?" He asked, ever so cautiously.

"No, she died when I was born. I'm not really sure what that means, though. I just know I can't see her." I explained. When I was old enough, Ms. Reed told me about my mom. She told me that when I was born, something went wrong at the hospital and my mom died. I didn't understand. What did it mean to die and be dead? She never told me, but just that I could never meet my mom, that it just wasn't possible as long as I was alive. So then I thought about dying. I thought that I should try to die, too or something, because then I could meet my mom. I told that to Ms. Reed and she began to cry, saying that I wasn't allowed to think like that. And it really scared me how she reacted, so I never thought about it again.

"You don't know what being dead means?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Oh, well... I guess it just means that they're no longer alive, you know? They are no longer who they were before and can't do what they did when they were alive, like move or talk." he explained. I tried to understand what he meant, but there were too many holes.

"What happens to them?" I asked. Where was my mom, and why can't I see her?

"Well, usually they get buried because soon their physical body goes bad, so they get put into the ground somewhere, where you can go visit them." He said. I wonder if my mom was somewhere in the ground, I would like to visit her. Although, it must be really scary being dead. You can no longer see the people you love, or do any cool things like you used to. You're Just in the dirt, forever.

"I hope I never die," I commented. Vic then let a small laugh slip from his lips, but was quick to cover it up with a fake cough.

"Everyone dies, Kellin." He said.

"What?" I exclaimed. "No, I don't want to die. We can't die!"

"It's okay," Vic reassured. "We won't die for a really long time."

"Like one hundred, thousand years I hope."

"Sure," Vic said with a fond smile.

With my moms death I'm not as sad as I probably should be, but that was probably because I never really knew her. It's hard to miss something that I never really had. But I do have Vic, and I think I would be really, really sad if he died. We have so much fun together, and I'm not sure what I would do if I could never see him again.

"Oh, so um...I can't stay for very long today, but maybe we can swim for a little," I offered. Today must be the hottest day ever, so a swim would be real nice right now." Vic looked off to the lake with a desolate stare before shaking his head.

"Maybe next time." There was something off about Vic today. I watched his face, trying to figure out exactly what was wrong. He looked kind of sad, but Vic was suppose to be happy and smiley. I picked one of the flowers from before and reached for Vic's face. He had been only half looking at me, and his hair was covering his face-which I didn't like. I held his chin and made him look at me. He flinched at first, but then settled when his gaze caught mine. I smiled before moving his hair out of his face, then gasping at what I saw.

Vic's eyes widened at my reaction. He was quick to push my hand away and turn his face the other direction. On his right eye, there was a large and painful looking bruise. Where did he get it from? I was worried about him.

"What happened?" I asked, reaching my hand out to him. I didn't like how he was acting.

"It's nothing." He quickly stood up and grabbed his things. "I have to go," He commented before quickly leaving me alone. He didn't even say goodbye, he just left. I'm not sure what had happened to Vic, but I knew it was something bad, I could just tell.


Short chapter, sorry. The next will be longer and out sooner (lol hopefully)

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