You Alone Can Make My Song Take Flight

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Hi everyone I'm back! I will try and update everyday, this will be a short one. I had an awful day, problem at school and then my old teacher dies, got hit by a policeman. Anyhow please comment and vote thank you all!!


You alone can make my song take flight

Christine I love you....

A voice says waking me up from my dreamland, I open'd my eyes to see a very happy husband next to me. I don't Think I've ever seen him so happy before. "Good morning, my love" he said kissing my neck. "Good morning my angel." I said kissing his deformed face. I did'nt realize that I had never done that before witch made him stop breathing for a moment. I know how sencidive he can be.

"Why did you do that?" he said with a trembeling voice. " I'm sorry" I said quickley and got out of the bed and Went streight to the wordrobe, finding the nearest dress, putting it on and fixed my hair up and went downstairs to Gustave and Felicia. I wondered about Felicia, she somehow reminded me of Meg. With the blond hair and blue eyes. But it could'nt be? Meg was killed in an accedent and she never said anything about a child!? But if it is her then who is the father or who was the father? Felicia said that her parents were dead.

I need to ask her, after breakfast. After breakfast I took Felicia for a walk. She seem'd to like it here, it was a wondeful weather the snow was gone and it had turn'd to spring. Felicia and I sat down by the lake. "Felicia? can I ask you something?" she looked at me with a smile. "Yes?" she said with wonder and exitment. "Who was your mother?" I said trying not to sound to curius.

"Meg Giry" she said.

And with that my world feel apart.

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now