My Dear Old Friend

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Hi everyone, looks like another update!! yeahy, I hope you enjoy my stories so far? Anyway, thank you for 11reads it makes me happy. Keep reading and voting oh and please leave a comment. Thank you. :)


I have not seen Erik for a weak, I think he was overreacting, it is only one song? It can't hurt, can it? I went back home to see Gustave and Felicia, the nanny had done a fine job and I wanted to talk to Felicia if she knew anything about Meg and perhaps her father.

I don't want to intrude I just want to know why Meg never told me? I'm glad Madame Giry is coming back to Paris. I hope she knows, about Felicia? 

It was way past bedtime and Erik had not been around. Suddenly I heard a noice outside it was Erik entering with Madame Giry! I jumped of the chair and opened the door and ran too Erik and hug'd him tight " I'm sorry" I wispered in his ear. " It's alright" he said softley back into mine. "madame Giry, oh how good it is to see you" I said happily. "It's good to see you too Christine" 

"Well then my dear old friend would you like to come inside?" Erik said more handsome and happier than ever. "of course" she said with a happy face.

We sat down on the big table and talked about Meg and Felicia. "Oh, yes I...I know about Felicia, she was only a baby when Meg died in the accedent, I was taking care of her and she was just going out to town to the post office to sent a telegram to you". she said with a sad face.

"To us?" I said confused. "She wanted you to be the God parents" No ne said anything for a moment or two until Erik asked "Giry, who is Felicia's father?"  She looked at me confused. 

" I don't know Meg never told me, she only said that he made her pregnant by accedent. But she also said that he wanted a son, but it was a girl and he got dissapointed and left. That's all I know".

"That's all?" I said. "Yes, I tryied to raize her myself but a women in my age taking care of a baby on my own was hard. So I took her to an orvanige when she was two. I don't even think she remembers me"

"Yes she does, she knows her mother's name, why not her granmother's?" Erik said with a sweet voice. "Erik, Christine, will you be her God parents and perhaps adopt her? If she wants?" Giry asked kindley. 

Erik looked at me as we held each others hands and smiled" we would love too" we said at the same time and madame giry hug'd us both.

"Oh, thank you!"

"Would you like some tea?" I said 

"No thank you, I had a bizzy day, I'm going to bed" he laughed.

"I'll show you your room" Erik said happy. 

I went up to our bedroom and I guess Erik and I are back to normal? I don't know, we will descuss that in the moring. I went to bed and as soon as I closed my eyes a strong, warm arm pulled me closer. i smiled as I turned to face Erik. 

"Goodnight angel" he said lovingly. "Goodnight" I said he kissed me and stroke my hair.

This was perfect. Everything in life was just perfect.


I pulled Christine closer to me, so close that I could'nt breath. She smeld like a good perfume and her hair smeld like flowers. She is so beautiful and good. I hope that tomorrow we can work things out. I I know we still have some scars that needs to heal but we can do it. It's our love that keeps us together.

It makes us stronger evryday that goes by. I looked out the window and the snow had come back. I know I have nothing to fear, but Christine and I can do anyting, as long as were together. 

I hope that we can talk tomorrow, about the performance and waht to do about Felicia, I have been wanting to adopt her I was hoping that Christine would like that too. Sice we are the God parents and all. I just did'nt have the right time to tell her. But I will say everything I need to say in the morning.

I made my body relax, I can't remember the last time I was this calm. The room was dark, but still warm. I have fallen in love with Christine all over again. My love for her grows stronger more and more everyday.

Tomorrow I'm going to make something to Christine a present of forgivness. I also don't want Christine or Gustave and Felica to go anywere without me. I will protect them, keep them safe and loved

No matter the cost.

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