Two Weaks Later

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Hi everyone, so sorry for not updating but I had to get my new eye glases and I had a little homework to do. But now that's done and now I and as for all of you can relax and enjoy this new short chapther. Hope you like it please vote and comment! Thank you so mutch. :)



It has been two weaks since Gustave got shot and no change. Christine had been living in the hospital, watching over him and preying. I was there everyday too it was just that Christine told me to not come, she wanted to be alone and that I should work.

Was she crazy? I think my son is more important than some papers! 

I was so scared of losing him, I know we have only known each other for two years but I love him. My son, my boy! He has to wake up, he just has to. I tryied to hide my tears but I could'nt if Christine cried I cried.

What am I to do? 

Madame Giry came with Felicia sometimes and I felt ashamed once again I ahev put my family in danger, the once I love.

Is this what freedom feels like?

Then I don't want it!

If I wear a mask that can fool the world

But I cannot fool my heart

Everyday it is as if I play a part

When will my reflection show, who I am inside?

If Christine never knew me then she would be safe and Gustave would not lay in that hospital bed! It's my fault...If he dies then I go with him. I will never fogive myself for this not ever. 

I am a murderer, forever in the shadows of the Opera.

I live inside my son, he is my reason to live, so if he dies then I die too.

I went into Christine again and she had stoped crying she looked at me and smiled.

Why was she smiling? But I soon realized why.

My son was waking up!

I sat down quikley on the bed next to Christine, holding her sholders tight.

For the first tim in two weaks I could smile again.

Gustave opened his brown eyes and smiled at us.

Once again he has tutched my heart like the sun.

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now