Past The Point Of No Return

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Hi everyone, so my last chapther call'd my Cosette, well, I said it would be long I don't know if it was long for you but it was for me, so I hope it was still a good chapther for you and that you enjoyed it. These stories will soon close there will only be two more. Thank you all so mutch for reading you guy's mean a lot to me. Please comment and vote and continue reading. Thanks!


Erik and I were on our way to the Opera Populaire for my first Addison for Mr. Oscar hammelstine.

He came to Paris and meet Erik and they has become good friends, everyone who hated him at first is now a friend of his? It is probobly because of the Money he is making and they get paid. I went into the Opera with Erik and I desided to sing a long forgotten song, Erik disapered into box 5. I was alone on the stage with Monsiuer Reyer who played the piano.

I took a breath and I could feel Erik's presance that made my soul soar, as well as my heart.

Your eyes see but my shadow

My heart is overflowing

There's so mutch you could come to know

Your content not knowing


You could see

My soul

My voice echoed up in the opera high ubove the chandalier.

Everyone started claping, Erik came down on to the stage.

You have come here in persute of your depest urge

In persute of that wish whitch til now has been silent, silent

I have braught you that our passion may fuse and murge

In your mind you've alreddy sucomed to me, droped all defences

Completley sucomed to me, now you are here with me, no second thoughts

You've desided, desided.

Past the Point of no return no bacward glances our games of make believe are at an end

Past the Point of if or when no use resisting

Abandon thoughts and let the dream desied

What raging fire shall flood the soul what ritch desire unfloods each door

What sweet seduction lies before us

Past the Point of no return

No backward glances

You've past the Point of no return

I started to sing with him, just like I did before, I felt my soul on fire and I could'nt stop it, I did'nt wnat to.

You have braught me

To that moment were Words run dry

To that moment were speech disapears into silence, silence

I have come here, hardley knowing what reason why

In my mind I've alreaddy imagined our bodies entwining

Defencles and silent and now I am here with you no second thougt's I've desided


Past the Point of no return

No going back now, our passion play us now at last begun

Past the Point of right or wrong

One final question

How long should we too wait before were one?

When will the blood begin to raise

The sleeping bug burst into bloom

When will the flames at last consume us?

Past the point of no return!

The final treshold

The brige is crossed so stand and watch it burn

We've past the point of no return!


When we finnsihed the song everone stood up and went into applause.

It was wonderful to sing with MY Christine again. Now, we were going home to our sweet Children.

I softley sang in her ear as she feel asleep in my arms.

Say you'll share with me one love

One lifetime

Led me save me from my solitude

Say you want me with you here beside you

Anywere you go let me go too

Christine, that's ll I ask of you

Christine I love you....

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