All I Ask Of You

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Hi everyone, I'm back, here is the next chapther,hope you like it, enjoy.


There he was, Raoul. He looked alright to me, I was happy to see him. I was just wandering why he wanted to meet me here, in the middle of the night? I hope that this does'nt take long, I have to get home.

"Hello, Christine" Raoul said kindley as if he had been waithing for me forever.

"Hello, Raoul, why did you wanted to meet me here of all places?" I asked with confusion, but I was so nervous that I could'nt even dare to breath. I took small  breaths and stood were I  stood and looked at him.

"Don't you recognize this place?" He said with a quick yet a sad voice beacuse it was here, were we sang our love song and were we had our first kiss. How can I forget that?

"Of course I do...but, what is it Raoul, why am I here?" I said speaking up higher.

Raoul came closer and I took a step back, afraid of coming any closer, he looked at me with his blue eyes and spoke again. "Christine, I'm glad you are here, could we sing our love song? Just one last time?." He asked lovingly as if the world would go under if I said no.

"Yes, alright but make it quick, I have a husband to come home to."

Raoul did'nt reply, because he knew who that husband was. Do I really have to die so that these to can repect each other? I guess so.

Raoul took my hands and I could feel his warm hands, but they were not Erik's. Erik's hands, caressed once cold body to set it on fire. Erik kissed away all the pain with his soft lips. Oh, God I love him. I hope he can forgive me for this.

I just hope that he can't hear me.


I took Christine's hands, and was waithing for the right moment to sing, she was nervous, whitch was a good thing.

No more talk of darkness

Forget these wide-eyed fears

I'm here nothing will harm you

My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom

Let daylight dry your tears

I'm here with you beside you

To guard you and to guide you

Christine's hands were trembeling but she did smile.

Say you'll love me every waiking moment

Turn my head with talk of summer time

Say you need me with you now and always

Promise me that all you say is true

That's all I ask of you

I walked with her just like I did before, for the first time for a very long time I felt happy.

Let me be your shelter

Let me be your light 

Your safe, no one will find you

Your fears are far behind you

She got out of my grip and looked up to the stars

All I want is freedom

A world with no more night

And you, always beside me

To hold me and to hide me

She looked back at me and held out her arms as I quickley got to them.

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

Let me led you from your solitude

Say you want me with you here beside you

Anywere you go let me go too, Christine that's all I ask of you

The time stoped, and I forgot about my plan as well as she forgot about everything else.

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me

Each night each morning

Say you love me

You know I do

Love me that's all I ask of you

I came closer and kissed her on the forehead

Anywere you go let me go too

Love me that's all I ask of you

Now I had to be smart, "Christine, come let me take you home"

She looked suprised but agreed.

I still held her hand as we walked away


I watched in horror as that drunken fool sang that stupid love song to MY Christine.

What is he going to do? I know he is up to something, I can feel it in me.

I can't believe that Christine agreed to meet him here, and then to sing there love song, but the worst part is that she let him kiss her.

Why? he is up to something I only wish I knew what.

How could Christine do this to me? She keeps on betraying me, why? Has she forgotten that she is carrying on my child?

I gave you my music

Made your song take wing

And now, how you've repaid me

Denied me and betrayed me

He was bound to love you

When he heard you sing

Christine,Christine, Christine

I could hear in my head again how that song was singing inside my head just like before.

She knows he's love is not enugh, she knows he isänt what she need, and yet she followes him.

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me

each night each morning

I felt my blood boil and my heart was breaking in half, everytime she leaves me she flees with my heart.  

You will course

The day you did not do

All that the Phantom asked of you!

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