One Love, One Lifetime

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Hi everyone, guess who's back! yes yu guesse'd right! Me! Thank you all so mutch for 23reads it means a lot. Here is the next part sadley it will be a short one but hope you like it. Please comment and vote, thanks! :)


I sat down in a chair by the fireplace with my warm tea in my hands. We were going to adopt Felicia today, but Erik did'nt show up so that's why we had to cancel. I can't believe that Erik did'nt show up. I like'd him better when he was a wanted, that's when he was always home with me and for him and us to have some time alone I miss my husband, it's like he does'nt exist anymore.

He is never home, and when he is home he locks himself in his music room. It's like there is a wall around him and no one is allowed inside, not even me. He has turned Gustave away and makes Felicia feel sad. He was the one who wanted to adopt her, he was the one who came in with her.

Tonight was going to be a specual night, I was going to tell Erik that I'm with child. 

I heard a noice and the door opened. It was Erik, I did'nt go up and kissed him like I used too, whu should I? "Christine, darling, I'm sorry I'm late but a man did'nt let me take home Ceasar because he did'nt knw who I was". he said quickley trying hard not to get me upset.

"Sence when do you listen to people, and sence when do you take orders to anyone?!" I said almost screaming. Erik did'nt say anything, he did'nt have to, becuase he knew I was right.

The room was silent for a moment I could tell that Erik took a breath and then tried to speak in a calm way but he was nervous, he had never seen me in sutch an angry state before. "Christine, I know you're right but I'm here now and tomorrow were going to adopt Felicia and.." he stoped talking because he saw my tears falling down on my pale skinn.

I could'nt stop the tears, these tears were not warm they were cold and had turned to tears of hate. 

 "Erik! we were going to adopt Felicia today and you did'nt show up!" I screamed and my voice echoed in the house. "Oh, no I thought it was tomorrow, I..I'm sorry" he said with a sad voice so that I could feel some pitty for him. I did'nt, I felt betrayad and desived. 

"You know tonight was going to be one of the best night's of my life, I was going to take home my adopted daugter and I was going to tell my beloved husband that I'm pregnant!" I said before running up the stairs and closed the door with a smach and went to bed in despaire.

Say you'll share with me

One love, one lifetime

Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me

Each night, each morning


I sat down in the chair next to the fireplace I covered my head and closed my eyes pregnant....My angel is carrying on my child and I did'nt care. How could I be so stupid! What's wrong with me? I guess I loved being accepted for who I was that I forgot about those who did love me. I'am going to make it up to her, I want to do something for her. I'm taking her for a picknik! She'll love that! 

I know the perfect spat, just the two of us and when we are done with our adventure we ride back to the house and pick up Felicia so we can finally call her "Our daughter". I love the sound to that.

I felt in a better mood as I went upstairs to our bedroom, I saw my Christine crying on the bed. I held her tight as I stroke her soft hair I softley sang to her, helpless to resist my voice she fell asleep in my arms.

Say you'll share with me

One love, one lifetime

Led me, save me from my solitude

Say you want me with you here

Beside you

Anywere you go let me go too

Christine, that's all I ask of you

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