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I tapped away on my laptop.I just got home a couple of minutes ago.Carter was here but AJ had a club after school so he was still there.I sighed.

Snoring came from my left.Carter was taking a nap.He's pretty adorable when he's sleeping.I glanced for like a minute to watch him.Wow.Who knew a person could look so good when they aren't awake?

I touched his lips with my index finger.

"Hmph.What are you doing?"He pulled me on top of him,dropping my laptop to the floor.

"Carter!"I yelled,trying to reach down to get it.Carter held a firm grip on me so I couldn't move.

"Let go of me."I said,pouting.

Carter kissed my lips.I folded my arms,fake angry.

"Yazzy,don't be mad at me.You know that shit is broken anyway."

I nodded.True.

"So why were you touching me?"He asked.I shrugged.

His hands squeezed my love handles.

"Stop!"I looked away.I didn't want to admit it but I was conscious of my body.I didn't really pay much attention to the way I look before. I didn't have to.There was no one to impress.Now I do.Carter means so
much to me.I mean why love a fat girl?

"What?Its so fun."Carter chuckled,squeezing it again.

I didnt say anything this time.I just looked at him.

I think he sensed how I felt.

"You OK?Am I hurting you?"

"No.I just...I'm not really confident about my body and I don't know.Its stupid.Just a whole bunch of insecure girl problems.So teenager of me.Forget about it."I tried to climb off Carter but to no avail.

"What?You?Insecure?Tell me your joking.I haven't met someone so carefree in my life.And thats what makes you so beautiful.I don't give a fuck if you think your fat.To me ...I like it.I think it fits you.Makes you more sexier to me.I have something to hang on to.Not just skin and bones.Know what I mean?"Carter glanced up at me.I hugged him.

"Thanks.You always know what to say."

"Cause you make it so damn easy."Carter smiled,kissing my lips softly.I grinned.

"Now that we have that cleared up,you still haven't answered my question. Don't let me use my skills on you."

"What skills?"I scoffed.

"I don't know.I thought it would make me sound cool."He blushed.I laughed.

"You are cool.And cute.And funny.And sweet.And really sexy when you want to be."I smiled.

Carter smirked."Oh really?"

"Yeah.Anyway I have to get back to work.I made din-"

He attacked my lips so intensely that I moaned.

"Carter"I stuttered,trying to stop him.

"S-sorry."He gulped,awkwardly laughing.

"No I was gonna say,warn me next time."I grinned,kissing him back.

Carter held my cheeks as we kissed.

"Im so hungry."He said all of a sudden.

"Oh..well dinner is down-"

"No.I didn't mean for food."Carter flipped us around so he was on top.

"What?I have doritos?"I asked,not sure if he wanted chips.

Carter laughed so hard I thought he was gonna burst.

"Shit,you can't do that to me.Your freaking hilarious."

"What?How?"I asked,confused.

"I don't know if I should tell you.You might not like it."


"Just tell me white boy."I sighed.

Carter smiled,lifting up my chin.

"Stop calling me that."

"No.Its fun."

"You know what else you can call me..."Carter smirked.


Carter palmed his for head.

"Wow.I thought you were joking when you didnt get my dirty humor.You really are that innocent.Now I feel bad."Carter bit his lip,looking guilty.

I was so lost.(inline comments are appreciated.-Nia)

"Tell me wh-I mean Carter. "

"Look forget about my stupid humor it was stupid and I didn't really think-"

"Just tell me!I'm old enough I can handle it!"

"Really?I know for a fact you are not sexually educated."

"Tell me already!"

"Fine!When I said I was hungry I meant not food.So that meant I wanted to eat .Your getting this so far?As in eat I meant you."

What?How can he eat me that's cannibalism.Nasty.

"You eat people?"

"Well not people.Girls really.Certain girls.Depending."

"Ew!That's like meat and bones and stuff!"I exclaimed.

"Wait what!?!No!Not actually cook and prepare and all that.Oh lord.You are so freaking clueless.How am I suppose to do anything relatively sexual if you know nothing!"He yelled.

Huh?I'm so confused.

Carter got up from me and pulled me up so I was sitting next to him.

"Look I'll try to explain this the best way I can without sounding too gross okay?Okay.You know what a blowjob is right?"He asked.

I shook my head no.

"What?You have got to be kidding.I thought you took health.What were the kids back then?Freaking saints.Did they go to church every night?Have bibles in class?"Carter looked so frustrated.I wanted to laugh.A little.

"Actually.Yeah.I went to a Catholic school.It was pretty calm there."

Carter inhaled and exhaled."Have you ever watched porn?"

I made a face."No.Eww.Why would I wanna see people having sex?That's disgusting!"

Carter looked like he was about to die.I was kinda scared.

"This is a long shot but I'm guessing you've never masturbated either?"

I shook my head."Carter,I told you I never did any of those things.And I don't know how to so if your gonna tease me about it then do it when I'm not here."I said,feeling a little let down by his actions.

"What?No.I wanna teach you.Everything.Come on."He took my hand and led me to the TV.

"We have work to do."He smiled,grabbing the remote.

Yaz knows nothing.I feel so bad for her.Oh my gosh.Anyway hoped you like.Remember to vote comment and follow.If you could just to leave inline comments whenever you feel the need to say something.

Love you guys.
Xoxo Nia

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