What now

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Hey everyone.Here is the update.Finally, I know.Lml.This chap is actually pretty long.But before you read here are the shout outs.

Jk.I can't shout out all who voted but
you guys are all awesome balls

I sighed.Another freaking threat.You have got to be kidding me.But this time it wasn't for me.It was for Carter.

"I can't believe this shit!Who do they think they are?"He yelled,looking at the note in my hand.

"Im sorry Carter.At least yours says watch your back."

Carter rolled his eyes."I don't even know what's gonna happen to me.How do we stop this?"

I shrugged."I guess all we have to do is be careful and watch our surroundings."

He tapped his fingers on the counter."Okay."


The station wont be finished building anytime soon so everyone is assigned to new places with different positions. Guess what? I'm full on officer now.Great.I hate taking the car and catching people.It feels so uncomfortable.And I only did it once because I wanted extra cash at the time.Plus I didn't mind since I met Carter.

"Hey,Im heading out with the guys tonight.Which shirt should I pick?I was wondering if you might wanna come.Cole is bringing his girlfriend along so you won't be the only female."I turned to his voice.Shit

This boy was shirtless.

"W-what?"Fuck.Why am I so nervous when I see his body?

"Do you wanna come?"He asked,smiling.

"I don't know.M-Maybe.To what exactly?"

"Bowling I think."He sat next to me on the chair.I mean a regular chair not a couch so we were sharing it.One chair.Do you know how close he was?

"But isn't it gonna be weird for you.I mean I'm like way older than everyone else."I said,self-conscious ly.

"I don't give a fuck.Do you?"

I bit my lip.I did.

"If your scared then don't come.But the offer is there.So which shirt?"

I stared at his chest.And then the shirts.Imaging which would look best.

"The red one."I replied finally.

"Cool.I'm leaving at 7 so if you change your mind then be ready.K?"He kissed my lips softly.

I giggled for some reason.

"What?"He asked.


"Ok whatever you say."

He headed up the steps.I stared at his back.Even his back is sexy.That's not fair at all.


Later that day,I tried to find clean jeans in my closet.Ew gross.No no that one.Ugh.Forget this.This stinks.

I reached in the back of my closet.I pulled out a long black skinny jeans. Perfect.

Now a shirt.I dive into the giant pile of tops on my bed.I threw the rejects in a different pile as I went along.I have no good clothes.At all.Sigh.I bent down and found a shirt underneath my bed.Oooh.Pretty.And clean.

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