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Carter pov babes

"Yazmin,I missed you so much!"I quickly unhooked her from the pole and hugged her like my life depended on it.

"Hey baby.What did I miss?"

I couldn't stop smiling.

"So much happened.First of all,where did you go?"I asked leading her back to the couch.

"Nowhere I think.It was dark and spacious.Plus I was talking to God so he kept me company.What about you?"

"You were here.And you acted like a baby for like three weeks.And I couldn't handle it."

She gave me a look."A baby?How the hell-?"

"Exactly.Its so weird.Im just...glad you're you again."I kissed her cheek.

She patted my head."Me too.That baby thing is hard to believe though.I'm tired.I'll see you in a bit."

Not even five mintes later...

"Carter!Why is there pink throw up and girly shit everywhere?And the dolls have got to go!"

I laughed and ran up the stairs.


"And so I decided to get you mad enough in order for you to change back into your normal self."I finished,watching her.

"Smart thinking.God was telling me it was time to come back anyway."

"You were serious about that?"I asked,intrigued.

"Yeah.He was literally standing beside me.We talked a lot about me.You.My family.My purpose on Earth.It was great."

I caressed her cheek with my thumb.

"Im sorry I was so overprotective and I didn't mean to.I didn't want anything to happen to you."I whispered.

She curled her lips up in a smile.

"Its okay because you were right.What was I thinking letting Leslie talk me into wearing that crap?I wanted to do it because she's always doing things for me but whatever.Its over.I'm here now."

"Yes.Yes you are."

"So...did you take advantage of me?"Yaz asked,still smiling.

"No of course not!I would never do that!It was weird"I replied shaking my head from the memory.

"I could imagine."Yaz giggled.

"I really missed you baby"I said for the millionth time since she's been back.

"I know Carter."

I rolled on top of her."Did you miss me?"

"Yes Carter.Stop asking."She played with my hair.

"I was afraid. I thought I wasnt going to see you again."

Yaz leaned forward and kissed me on my lips.

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