Chapter 2: The Girl with the Cyan Pigtails

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Rin's POV

When I got home, Len wasn't home yet. Darn. Who was gonna do my chores? I instead flopped onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I grabbed my phone and rapidly texted Len.

"Len!!! Were r u?! >:("

"nun of ur bizness ;)"

I seriously hate that little twerp. I started to think of brutal ways to choke him when he gets home, but at that moment, he came home. Luckily, I was able to think of one brutal method. Grabbing his neck from behind, and SQUEEZING! The door opened, and I hid at the side of the stairwell. When the door opened, it was a girl! A girl with soft pink hair walked in nervously. What?! Who is this creep?! And what has she done to my brother?! I was just about to strangle her, when I saw Len's hand grasping her's tightly. 




Why, why, why, are they holding hands?! Len can't get a girlfriend before I get a boyfriend!! I'll kill him!!

Len's POV

"Leeeeeeen! Who is sheeeee?!"

Gulp. I hadn't told Rin about IA and the prank. So, I asked IA to stay put, and I hurled Rin to the bathroom. "What?! What the heck do you want?!" She screamed coldly. I managed to shush her, and I explained the prank. She snorted, and croaked, "Laaaame." I crossed my arms. "You said that I was too soft on girls!" Rin walked out of the bathroom and walked up to IA. "Um, IA-chan?" she asked sweetly. IA nodded. "Uh, just so you know, my brother is being totally and utterly fake. Please understand." IA looked like her heart just sank to her knees, because her knees buckled to the ground. Her head dropped down as she whispered softly, "Is...that so...?" I ran up to her. "N-no! Rin, don't fill up poor IA's head with lies!" Then I winked. Rin snickered and "obediently" said, "O-okay. I'm sorry. I just thought that..." IA slowly arose her head. "Mmm...I understand Rin-san. I'm sorry for, uh, misunderstanding." Then she got up and brushed of her dress. "So...uh...yeah...that was me. I'm an emotional, helpless, nerd." I almost felt bad for her for a second. "My parents expect so much of me." Then I started to remember.

"I expected more of you! You two are not our children! Leave at once!!" 

The last words I ever heard from my parents. The completely, utterly, final words that I'll ever hear from them. After all, I'm not their children. I couldn't take it.


Rin and I chorused monotonously. IA looked startled. "What? Why?" She faked a smile and laughed and embarrassed giggle. "I don't love you. Not at all. It was a prank. I just wanted to embarrass you. Now leave." IA's eyes went utterly dull. "But...I do love you." Rin slammed her fist to door. "HE SAYS THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! NOW GET OUT!" IA's eyes teared up. "I...I'LL SHOW YOU! I'LL SHOW YOU, KAGAMINE!! I'LL MAKE YOU LOVE ME!!" Those words rang in my head. Then she picked up her bags and left the house, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

I think that's when I broke my life.


When I think of Kagamine, I think of hate. I think of betrayal. I think of disgrace. I think of death. No, I think of a fate worse than death.  When I got to class today, I decided to ask Kiyoteru-sensei if I can sit away from Len. 

"Kiyoretu-sensei. Good morning. I have a request.

"And that is...?"

I didn't hesitate. "I want to sit far from Kagamine." Kiyoteru-sensei raised an eyebrow high. "Oh? Why is that?" I frowned. "I hate him. When I think of Kagamine, I think of hate, betrayal, disgrace, and--" Kiyoteru laughed. "Whoa! I thought you had a crush on him! In that case, you can sit a seat away from him before I arrange a seating." "Thank you, Kiyoteru-sensei." Kiyoteru-sensei smiled.

Len's POV

I didn't want to go to school. Because the whole IA situation made me feel sick. But, I mustered up the strength to get myself to school by train.

"I'll make you love me!!"

I couldn't get those words out of my head. Why? It's not like she really will, will she? No. She won't. She's probably too heartbroken to try. Arrgh! All of this skepticism is making my head hurt. So anyway, I sat down in my seat. IA was sitting a seat away from me.

Wow. Ironic much?

I tried not to look at her, but I could feel her iron glare stabbing through my head, and fogging up my brain. Darnit. I coughed and cleared my throat as casual as possible. Just as I was about to speak,

"Alright class! Before we start the lesson, I would like to introduce you to a new student. Her name is Hatsune Miku. Hatsune-san, please come in!"

She walked in as happily as ever. Her smile was from ear to ear,  her cyan twintails reached her thighs. The class "oohed" as she walked in. I didn't. Neither did IA. She turned to face the class and waved in a cutesy style. It was kinda cute to be honest. "Now, Miss Hatsune. Please tell about yourself."

Hatsune nodded.

"Yes, sensei! My name is Hatsune Miku, but you can call me Miku-chan. I love spring onions, they're so yummy! But the things I love more than spring onions are education, friends, and family!"

I can tell she's lame.

"Is that it?" Kiyoteru asked. She nodded. "Then please go sit next to Mr. Kagamine," He continued, motioning towards the empty seat next to me. Hatsune walked over and sat in the seat next to me.

"Hello, Kagamine-kyun!" She grinned. I blushed in a tsundere-manner. "Don't call me that, Little Miss Spring Onion." Spring Onion pouted. "Do you want to know why I'm here?" She whispered. "What?" I sarcastically groaned.

"I'm an angel!"

A/N: Yes! I'm glad that I was able to throw in Miku, finally! In the next chapter, I promise to make some MikuXLen, my OTP! I also will make sure that IA and Miku will brew up some conflict. Thank you for reading my story! See you in Chapter 3!

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