Chapter 3: I'm not Jealous!

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Miku's POV

I wasn't surprised that Len-kun thought I was joking, but I'm not! I'm an angel, sent down from the heavens, so that I can guide Len and his sister to the path of purity. And after I complete my task, I will be sent back to the human world so that I can, um, be alive again. Yes, I died. But, I died saving my family, and so, now, I have been given a second chance because I died doing a good deed. Anyway, enough chit-chat. So Len laughed and said.,

"Seriously? Green onion girl is an angel? Pssshh! Yeah, right. Now shut up and let me concentrate."

I frowned. "But Len-kun, you're not the type to concentrate in class!" Len narrowed his eyes. "And how would you know?!" I laughed, "I told you, silly Len-kun! I'm an angel!" 

Len's POV

This girl was seriously getting under my skin. But, I continued to play it cool before this got too out of hand. "If you don't shut up, I'll beat you up after school." "But Len-kun, I'm sorry but it won't hurt me,  because I'm an-" "GRAAAAAAAA!" I screamed. I couldn't take her stupidity any longer!  It was too bad this happened, because Kiyoteru glared at me, while writing a pass. Oh, God no. He silently handed it to my desk, and it read,

Please excuse Len Kagamine from class at 2:15 so that he can take detention. He will clean the roof.

I groaned angrily, and threw my head on my desk. I then felt a soft hand gliding up and down my neck. I looked up, and saw Green Onion smiling at me.

Almost angel.

Wait, not an angel! Just like a normal girl, y'know. Geez! She then raised her hand and said,

"Um, sensei! I'll take Kagamine's detention, it was my fault! I'm sorry!"

Now, that really surprised me. I looked up, and saw Green Onion picking the pass off my desk. She scribbled out my name, and instead wrote in neat print,

Miku Hatsune

The part that bothered me is that she didn't cross out "he" and replace it with "she". Then Green Onion sat up and looked as if nothing happened. She was smiling so brightly, despite the fact that she would have to clean the roof. I felt my stomach churning with guilt. But why did I feel bad for her? I just didn't like that feeling, so I leaned over, and whispered to her,

"Hey. Thanks for saving my skin there, kid."

She just looked at me and smiled, as if it was nothing. Then she pulled out her notebook and began to take notes on the lesson. I decided that I would make it up to her later.


"Hey, uh, since you saved me, I'll make it up to you. Let's go out for some ice cream at the beach."

As soon as Len said those words, my stomach did a backflip, and my heart started to run. Why does he want to go out with...her? All she did was save him from a detention! I mean, why does he care so much? Len always gets detention! But anyway, Miku smiled and said, "Len-kun~! You shouldn't worry about it, it's my job!" Then she spinned on her heels and walked towards my direction. But Len actually grabbed her sleeve! At that point, Miku softly said, "How about tomorrow? At 4:00, 'cause we have no school." Then Len nodded, and let go of her sleeve. She turned around, and gave a little wave to him. Then she walked on. I don't know why, but....I felt like she was onto something. I then decided that at 4:00, I'll come meet them at the beach with my own date! 

Not because I was jealous, though!

But....who could I ask out? Um....let's see...there was....gee, all of the boys are taken! No...perhaps...I could ask out a girl, and just have her dress as a boy! I'll need it to be one of my loyal friends....hmmm...aha! I'll just ask out my trusty friend, Miki!


We're not exactly friends, but we still are close. But she can help me! I remember once she dressed as a boy and I couldn't tell it was her! So, there, Kagamine! I'll show you that I don't CARE if you have a goody-two-shoes-teacher's-pet-for-a-girlfriend! I am an independent lady!

Miku's POV

Only a few hours until me and Len's date. I'm all set, and I can't wait! So, I called up Len, just to check in on him! 


"Hello? Kagamine household, whaddya want?" A female answered the phone, sounding distressed.

"Ah, you're Kagamine Rin, right?" 

"Yeah. And who are YOU?!" She still sounded distressed, and I frowned and made my tone a little less carefree.

"Um, I'm Hatsune Miku! Journeyman angel! Uh...I mean....yeah. I'm Len's date!"

Rin scowled. "Well, actually, Len left with his date 2 hours ago."

"But, bu-uh, I'm his date!"

"Too bad!" Rin quickly hung up and my phone started to hum.

But....why would Len betray me? Or, maybe...Len didn't go out? Tears stung my eyes, because of my huge disappointment. My first date being cancelled! And I never dated a boy whiles I was alive, too! I sniffled, and my phone rang. I picked it up, and tried to hide the obvious fact that I was crying.

*sniff* "He...hello? "

"Green Onion!" As soon as I heard that voice and those words, my heart leaped up. I was so glad to hear him! 

"LEN!" I screamed. "What happened? Rin told me that you went on your date already!"

"Uhh...." I heard Len scratch his head in discomfort. "It's...a long story. Let's just say, I was kinda...kidnapped to go on a date." And the lump came crawling up my throat.

"Len? How?"

Len lowered his voice to a whisper.

"My phone battery's gonna die soon, so I'll make this quick. This crazy girl is saying that we were in love in our previous life, and now she's trying to force me on a date with her!"

No....not Tei.....she's....a devil...

As I tried to reply to Len, I heard her voice.

"Len-kun? What is it? Who are you talking to on that phone? Is it that Hatsune girl? She's only taking care of you because she wants to be alive again, she doesn't love you!"

"But, I never even said she loved-"


Then I heard his phone being thrown onto the floor, and I heard the glass shattering. To make matters worse, I heard Tei cackling as she stomped on his phone. And at that moment I knew...

....this assignment will not be easy.

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