Chapter 5- Every Story Needs a Conflict, Even If It's Super Annoying

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Miku's POV

Even though I was really proud of the bento I was able to prepare, I guess I had lost my appetite. I just sat there and played around. I just kept on thinking about Len-kun, and thinking about how we walked home together, and how goofy I acted.

Then my face flushed.

But why?! Why did it flush like that? I was just thinking about us, in the night, as we were walking-

"Be careful, there's lots of thorns in there!" 

Then Len-kun pulled me so close to him, and I plunged right into his arms. To be honest, I wanted to stay there (not sure why tho), but he just quickly (but carefully) pushed me away. Then, I felt too awkward to hold his hand. I continued thinking about it, when-

"H-hey! G-get up!"

When I looked up, I saw a girl in my class, the one with long hair and two braids. Her name was IA, I think.

"Um, I'm sorry! Did you like sitting here?" I quickly apologized. I felt like a jerk. IA just glared long and hard at me. "W-w-well, w-what do y-y-you think?!" She replied, stuttering an awful lot. I just sighed and got up, it was the right thing to do. She sat down without thanking me, and began stuffing her bento into her mouth hard. It just bothered me so much.

"H-hey! That bench is pretty b-big, so you can't just h-hog it!" I sputtered like an idiot. Then IA looked really angry at me, even though she had no right to! "W-well, too BAD! Life is gonna be unfair, and it's not like it's anything serious, like boy drama! Urk-!" IA coughed, and began to look a little sick. She then threw her food to the floor, and coughed again. Hard. Then she covered her mouth and grasped her stomach. "Oh my gosh! I-IA-san! Are you okay?" By that time, she had buckled down to the floor, and her cheeks were filling up. Her skin was getting a bit paler than usual. I carefully grasped her hand, and said as calmly as possible, "L-let's get you to the nurse, o-okay?" Then she just pushed me away, like she didn't want help. I didn't know what to do! I had to prove myself as a true angel! With a full mouth, IA mustered the words, "G-g-g-g-git uuuh uhweeey...." She was trying to say get away, but I pulled her up, and she looked really mad. IA kicked and tried everything possible to break free, but I kept on holding on tight. Then, it happened.

Len's POV

I didn't even have a clue what was going on. I just wanted to sit at the rooftop for a change, and I saw Miku grabbing IA, who looked like she was about to barf. And when IA saw me, she blushed and was about to say something. Unfortunately, when she opened her mouth...

"ACK! Did you just...?! Oh my gosh...n-no way..." After flinching, I opened my eyes, and Miku's uniform was stained with IA's puke, and IA looked a little bit dizzy. It was all too gross, and Miku looked like she would burst into tears any minute now. IA pushed herself away from Miku's loosened grab, and ran away. (Probably to wash her mouth.) Miku's knees wobbled. I would've gone and...uh, hugged her or something, but...I don't want puke on my uniform. Anyway, uh, she ran away sobbing, and most likely to the shower room. I could've gone and comforted her there,'s the girls' shower room. I've heard that one boy in there who snuck in got brutally assaulted by some changing girls, and that's why he was stuck with crutches for 2 months. I'm not gonna risk that.

Miku's POV

When I got home, I thought of how big of and IDIOT I am. What nice thing did IA ever do to me? Who knows. I knew that I had to prove myself as an angel, but...was that really worth it? (Plus my hair reeked of rice the whole day, ugh...) All I could do was sob, and, as edgy as this sounds, I cried myself to sleep. Yeah. I actually slept pretty soundly, I guess.

When I woke up in the morning, I yawned and looked over to the side of my bed. Don't ask me why, but I'm glad I did. I saw Len Kagamine lying there, snoring and drooling. Of course, I screamed and jolted out of my bed, with the covers grasped tightly in my hands. Len was still fully clothed in his school uniform. 

"W-w-w-w-w-what are you doing here?!" I hollered at him. Slowly, one of his eyelids flickered open. It looked...handsome, and....bishounen, I guess. "nngh..." He muttered, and rubbed his eyes. "Eh? Green Onion? What the heck are you doing here?" I stamped my foot and yelled at him again. "ME?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED ROOM, BANANA HAIR?!" That was actually a good one. Anyway, when he skimmed his eyes around the room, he realized that he HAD been in my room. Len finally snapped out of his morning phase, and looked up at my window. Err, my BUSTED window! His hand ran through his hair rapidly, and sweat trickled down his face. I asked for an explanation rather...forcefully. Although Len looked reluctant to say so, he managed to cough up, "You were pretty, uh, bummed out yesterday, and I wanted to talk to you somehow. Of course I broke in, and, uh, I guess I fell asleep, because I grew bored of screaming, flicking you, poking you, staring at you, playing with my tie, and...jumping on your bed." "And to think I slept soundly..." I mumbled grouchily. "H-hey! Why are you so grouchy and stuff?!" He snapped, even though he had no right to be mad that I was grouchy. I just sighed and dropped the covers onto the floor, walking out. 

"...I'm going to shower. You can just...stay here." Len looked as if he didn't really care, even though he kept glancing up at me, which told me he was listening. As I staggered out of the room, he sighed and got up. Following me out of the room, he strolled around my apartment. I guess he was impressed with how clean I kept the house, because...I'm kind of a neat freak. From the shower, I heard Len say, "Cool home." I thanked him, and he didn't respond after that. It was kind of...awkward. When I got out of the shower, I changed into my uniform, and then I threw my bag onto my shoulder. "Ready to go?" I asked. I'm not exactly sure WHY I even asked, because I knew his reply already. "Yep." Len ran down the...hallway of sorts, and we walked down the stairs together. As we walked to school, he suddenly asked, "Why're always so nice to me?" It struck me by surprise, and I guess it showed. Len blushed a bit when he saw my eyes widen. I laughed it off, and blushed, too. "I already told you, Len-kun!" Slowly, I slipped my fingers through the gaps of his.

"I'm an angel!"

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