Chapter 6: This is Supposedly A Dramatic Chapter...

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Len's POV

She said those words so very sweetly, and as I felt her warm hand in my...normal hand, her eyelids flickered, and so did mine. I leaned in, and so did Miku. Supposedly, this is the part where we kiss, (oh so romantically) but then I heard a dull voice.


 Despite the loss of..tone(?), I knew the voice. It was IA. She dragged herself over to us. Miku looked down, and I just looked straight into her eyes. "Look...I...I'm sorry, for...being so childish. I-I...I'll just leave you guys alone, and...and that'll be all. Okay? I hope you two are happy together." I was about to say something, when Miku grinned and hugged her. "It's fine, IA-chan! I wish the best of luck in your love life!" IA's stiff body slumped with relief, and then she hugged her back. She started to tear up, and sniffle. But then, quickly and alertly, she broke free from Miku's grasp. "Even so..." IA lowered her voice.

"It's best if you watch your back. I've heard Neru Akita, the richest girl in school...has a crush on you, Len-san. And it's kind of hard to get rid of her.

I groaned, but thanked IA for her advice anyway. When she left, I looked over at Miku. We started to laugh, even though nothing was funny. It was probably because everything was to awkward to just...continue our "moment", and the fact that IA was referring to us as a couple was awkward in itself. Our laughter slowly died away, and we sighed. 

Miku's POV

"Neru Akita, huh..." I mumbled. I don't know why, but I felt determined to stop her. The Tei situation was just to save Len, or else I'll fail my mission, the IA situation hardly was a situation, but this? My immediate thoughts were, 'No. That's not fair. Why does everything keep on interfering with our relationship?!' But then I remembered, we don't have a relationship. It made me feel weak, like the weight of the world was thrown at me. Or like I was just stabbed with the sharpest arrow, straight through my chest. And everything was in slow motion at the moment of impact. Just so that it'll hurt more. 

I sighed right at the moment when Len said, "Yeah, I've heard of her." My eyes snapped open, and I nodded, just to show I was actually listening. We continued walking, but this time, it was in silence. Eventually we parted ways when Rin furiously ran up to Len. (And tackled him to the ground.) I shook my head, and continued on. That's when I heard a voice.

"Hey Miku-chan!"

I turned around, and I saw a girl, who looked about a year older than me. We were about the same height, and her hair was pulled into a blonde side ponytail. The girl was clutching a cellphone in her right hand, as she waved to me with her left. She had all of her books stuffed into her purse. It looked...designer. She ran up to me. 

"H-how do you know my name?" I asked, obviously not knowing the answer. She wasn't in my class, so how would she know? Very helpfully, she replied, "I have my ways!" Then she threw her arm around my shoulder. That was a bit...too close. "The name's Neru Akita! By now, you should know of me, case you don't, then, well, I just told you." She brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Now, I was just asking, for no reason, can you ask Len Kagamine if he wants to join the Drama Club? I would really appreciate it!" Completely out of character, I blurted out, "Why can't you do it yourself?" I bit my lip down so hard, until I felt it bleed a little after saying that. Neru looked a little bit annoyed, but she coughed and said, "Well, I'm kind of busy, and besides, Len-kun doesn't really know me, and I don't really know him! So what you do say?" If you two don't even know each other, why the heck do you want him in the drama club?! I thought in my head, but since I knew that was not very...angelic, I just nodded and accepted. Neru thanked me and walked away. 

Even after class it still bothered me how Neru wanted Len in the drama club, and the way she called him "Len-kun". But, I knew I must stay true to my word, so, I asked Len to meet me after school, right in front of the school. Through a note, of course. I guess he accepted, because after school, at 4:30 p.m., he casually ambled over to the school's stairs. I was starting to question why I even asked him to come after school. I could've just asked him in person...but he looked so cool in the afternoon sunlight. I waited for a few students to pass by, and then I started off casually. I think.

Len's POV


I nodded in greeting after Miku said that word. I wasn't quite sure what she wanted, but I just went with it anyway. 

"What do you want, kid?" She looked down at her feet, and exhaled. I tapped my foot impatiently, just to show that I don't have all the time in the world. 

"Just so you know, you don't have to accept." Miku mumbled a bit quietly, and then she looked up at me. "Somebody...requested that you join the drama club. Do you...want to?" Once again, she added that I could say no. 

I scratched the back of my neck. I wasn't quite sure if I could. If I had after school clubs, Rin would absolutely flip. Lately I haven't been robbing stores with her, so she'd often come home beaten up, or she would have to do community service. I guess I'd been laying heavy stress on her.

So with a sigh, I knew what decision I should make. I wouldn't join the drama club. I opened up my mouth, and-

"Well? What are you going to pick?" Miku pouted. I crossed my arms, because I knew that she knew I was about to say something. I walked up to her, and towered in a supposedly threatening way. She just looked away from me, and shrugged. For the third time, she snarled, "You could say no." At that point I was really angry with her. "I'll join!!" I shouted, and she looked kind of crushed. Her casual pose was gone, and her face paled. "Wh...wha?! B-but why?! I said you don't have to join! W-why do you want to join a d-dumb club like that?! Why do you want to...?! Wh...why do you...why do...why..." Her face went from pale to red, and her forehead wrinkled. "'s..." Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks, and she still tried to croak up words. Miku just ended up coughing heavy sobs, and then she turned and ran away. Honestly, I had no idea what her problem was. So I just shook my head and ambled off.

Miku's POV

I just kept on running, I didn't even know where to. Just...away from Len. I don't even know why I just broke down like that. Maybe I'm just a dumb stupid idiot. Or maybe I knew Neru's plan. She wanted Len to join the drama club, because she's the president of the drama club, just so that they can spend more  time together.

But I knew that I wouldn't let that happen. Not on my watch.

I was going to save Len.

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