Chapter 7: Hot Tension

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Miku's POV

Alone on my bed, I wondered what Len could be doing at this hour. Well, it wasn't TOO late out, but, it was getting dark, now that Winter was approaching. I tossed over, and glanced at my clock. It read, "6:00 P.M.". Surely at this time, school grounds should be closed, so Len should be home from the Drama Club. I had been lying like that for hours now, wondering what Len was doing. This was all wrong. I was supposed to be a guidance angel, to show him the right path to take. He was simply playing into Neru's hands. But then again...what if Neru just wanted to get to know him? But IA told us, that she's "hard to get rid of". So, I knew right away that she was plotting something.

With saggy arms, and heavy legs, I stumbled into my kitchen, and took a yogurt out of the fridge. I sat down on the couch, shoving spoonfuls into my mouth. I sighed and dropped the spoon after a while, and grabbed my phone. After dialing Len's number, I placed my finger over the talk button, but I couldn't dare to press it. I sniffled a bit, and bit my lip so I wouldn't cry. I was going to do it. Just as I was going to press the button, I got an incoming call. Groaning, I accepted. 


The voice was unclear, but I could make it out. It was...Neru's.

"Hello, Miku." "...what do you want from me?" "Len-kun has joined the drama club." "Yes, I know." "And-" "WAIT! How do you have my phone number?!" "I have my ways." With an angry growl, I let Neru carry on. "Anyway, I asked him out on a date. At TakoLuka Café." "D-did he...?!" "He agreed gladly. Tomorrow, we'll be there. And on that date..." I swallowed hard, and my lips dried up. "W-w-what are you going to do to him?!" "I'm merely going to ask to be his girlfriend! And as for  you, Hatsune..."

As Neru lowered her voice, it felt like the whole room dimmed. My phone was quivering in my hand, and I so badly wanted to press the hang up button. 

"'d be really smart of you if you stay out of our way. Or else..."

That's when I lost it. "You can't do anything to me, you lovestruck psychopath! I know what you're doing! You just want to see me suffer! By making me ask Len into the drama club, and this phone call! Len could never love a girl like that! Len is-" "...a juvenile delinquent! He doesn't want some goody-two-shoes girl like you! He wants a girl that puts in massive effort, like me! A girl that could get away with any crime she wants! A practical juvenile deliquent, just like him! He doesn't love you, Miku! He just thinks you're annoying!" 

I broke into tears, and with practically every other word, my voice cracked. "W-well, h-how come come we almost...k-kissed?! A-and Len d-didn't even hold back!" Sniffle. "L-Len loves me! A-and I love him too! W-we're, p-perfect for e-each other! R...right? RIGHT?!"

Neru just laughed at me, quite mockingly. "You naive girl. Haven't you heard of what happened before you came? IA had a crush on Len. He pretended to like her back, just for the sake of a joke. Even his sister, Rin joined in on the 'fun'. Now, look at your situation. He might as well be pretending to love you, and remember when Rin came and 'saved' you and Len from your...situation? Well, that might just be Rin once again, joining in on the 'fun'. It's really funny, actually. You and IA are very similar indeed. Since Len might've had fun with his little IA prank, he might be taking it even further with you!" 

I felt it. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I hung up, and threw my phone to the floor. Then I screamed into the couch, until my tears got bored. That night, I fell asleep on the couch. Although, you could hardly call it sleep. 

Len's POV

I don't know what has been going on with Miku today. When I tried talking with her, she just pretended I wasn't there. Instead, she went and hung out with IA, Gumi, and Zunko. They seemed happy all together, but I was a bit bothered by the silent treatment she had been giving me. Although...Neru had been clinging on to me, and trying to change the subject any time I mentioned Miku, or even glanced in her direction. 

I do admit, I was looking forward for the date today. I'd been thinking of it all day, and class has been going slower than ever. Finally, it was the end of the day. I bolted out of the class, and headed straight home. I'm not quite sure why I was so excited, but, I just was. Maybe because this might make up for the fact that I had never gone on that date Miku and I had planned. 

But I'm not really replacing Miku with Neru, I was just...trying new things. Since Miku and I aren't on very good terms right now. 

I got dressed, and did my hair slightly different. With a sigh, I snuck out of the house, with Rin knocked out cold on the couch. 

Neru's POV (shocking, huh?)

"Hey Neru!" I whipped around, and looked at him. He looked really, I smiled and waved. "Hiya, Len~!" He looked at me. "I like your dress." I nodded in thanks, and blushed. "So, uh, let's go?" I asked, sounding a bit flirty. I wasn't taking any chances. I was going it straight for the kill.  He nodded, and I grabbed his hand. He looked a little bit surprised, like he was going to yank his hand away, but he didn't. We just walked along, when I saw a familiar silhouette in the distance. It was dashing toward us. I finally saw who it was, but at the wrong time.  

That girl, that girl with cyan pigtails ran up to Len, and said,

"You idiot."

And then she smacked her lips onto his.

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