Chapter 19

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Hi everyone!! So, after very little sleep I am sitting in my 8:30 class and bored out of my mind, so it's finally time to upload the final chapters of the book! If anyone read the last update I apologize, it was a super long and emotional night! (I've never been very emotional while writing, but I've never been this invested in a project before :P)

So yes, it's super rough, but the editing is a job for another day! Enjoy!!

Kate xoxo

Chapter 19 - Waves (Dean Lewis)

"Girl, we miss you so much," Sebastian whined over the crappy computer microphone. It was almost midnight, but the guys had skyped me from their band practice a few hours ago, and left me on speaker while they played. Now, they were all sprawled over the couches in Sebastian's basement, most of them on their phones, while I was reading one of the fifty thousand books my mother had let me check out of the library for the next few weeks. It had been almost twenty minutes since any of us had spoken, but somehow having the image of them there was comforting, and I didn't feel so alone.

"I miss you too," I said, taking a sip from the huge mug of green tea that was more there to keep my fingers warm than for drinking. "The transplant is in two weeks, I'll be back after that,"

"Ooh, Lexi, did you hear the news?" Adam yelled from the other side of the room, barely looking up from his phone.

"Um, not unless it was skywritten outside my window," I replied, shrugging.

"The Beast had an affair with Mrs. Anderson," he said, grinning smugly as he waited for me to be shocked

"Nice try," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I TOLD you she wouldn't buy it," Nate said, sitting up from the couch.

"Oh shut up, I was just trying to cheer her up!" Adam shouted back, as the rest of the guys started cracking up.
"It worked, don't worry," I said, although I couldn't be sure if they'd even heard me, because they were busy tossing insults at Adam for his lack of creativity. It felt so bittersweet to be seeing them all – it made me happy to know that they were there, but it was so hard to accept the fact that they were just on a computer screen, that I was too sick to even leave the house so I could be in the same room as them.

"Lexi?" the door creaked open, and my mom walked in, sitting down on the edge of my bed so that she appeared in the webcam's picture.

"Hi boys," she said, in a tone of voice that made me realize she was about to make me hang up. The guys stifled their laughter, waiting for my mom to get mad at them for keeping me up so late.

"Hey Mrs. Williams," Nate said, trying to sound mature. "We were just catching Lexi up on the homework she's missed,"

"I'm sure you are, Nate," she smiled, and I could see the boys relax. "But it's getting late, and Lexi needs her rest,"

"Ten more minutes," I bargained, but she shook her head.

"You can talk to them in the morning," she said. "You need to get some sleep,"

"Ugh, fine," I groaned. "Good night, guys,"

Before they even had a chance to say goodnight, she'd closed the computer lid, and was fluffing my pillows.

"Now, you have prep at 8:30 tomorrow morning, and then you have some time to rest. I invited your dad over for dinner in the evening so we can talk about what to do going forwards,"

"Going forwards?" I raised my eyebrows,

"He wants to stay in town for a little while," she explained, before pursing her lips like she'd already said too much about him.

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