Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Hurricane (Lifehouse)

Exactly two weeks after my fight with Sebastian, I found myself sitting in a coffee shop beside him, listening to him nervously drum his fingers on the tabletop with one hand, while he rapidly stirred a cup of coffee with the other.

"For the love of god, relax," I said, for the millionth time since we'd sat down. "I'm just meeting your boyfriend, it's not like it's a death sentence,"

"I'm not nervous," he said, even though his eye had been twitching for the entire hour we'd been together. "I just really want you to like him,"

"It doesn't even matter what I think about him, Sebastian, he's your boyfriend, not mine. If you like him, he's good enough for me,"

"I knowwww," Sebastian whined. "But you're the first person that's ever met him..."

He was cut off as the door swung open, setting off a little buzzer. We both turned around, and I heard Sebastian inhale sharply, as a guy walked through the store, and took a seat at the table, across from us.

"Hey you," he smiled at Sebastian, and reached across the table to take his hand. I could barely stop myself from smiling uncontrollably, as the two of them gazed at each other like it was the first time they'd ever been together.

After a moment, the staring became a bit awkward, so I cleared my throat, and leaned forward, causing both of them to jump, and re-direct their attention onto me. I smirked at Sebastian, and folded my arms across my chest.

"You gonna introduce me?" I asked, winking. They both turned red, and I laughed as I reclined in my chair.

"Lexi this is my boyfriend," he said, obviously still getting used to saying the words out loud. "Ragan, this is Lexi. She's one of my best friends,"

Even though I knew Sebastian and I were close, it still warmed my heart to hear him talking about me like I'd been a part of his life forever. He had become one of the best friends I'd ever had, and one of the reasons why was the way he'd accepted me unconditionally into his group, and never questioned the decision.

"It's really nice to meet you, Ragan," I said, reaching across the table to shake his hand.

"Enchanté," he said, with a huge smile. I giggled a bit, taking a sip of my now cold coffee.

"Alright, give me the details. How did you two meet? How long have you been together?"

"Well, we met at a party a little over a year ago, but we've only been dating for six months," Ragan said.

"Six months?!" I shouted. "You've been hiding this for six months?" I looked up at Sebastian, who looked slightly guilty, but all I could do was shake my head. "I'm so sorry, you guys,"

They both looked at each other, slightly confused.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" Sebastian asked.

"I can't even imagine being so trapped in a secret for a day, let alone six months," I explained, even though I was lying through my teeth – I'd been hiding my own secret for the entire year. "And to feel so guilty about it,"

"Lexi" Sebastian said gently, "We love each other. It's really not as bad as it sounds, and now that we've gotten through it, we're just in a stronger relationship," he kept his hand covering Ragan's, like now that they were finally allowed to be together in public, they were never going to let go.

"He's right," Ragan smiled brightly, "We were happy together in private, and now that you know, it's time for us to be happy together in public,"

"Alright," I nodded, "Tell me everything,"

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