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Hello everyone!!

So I made an update about a sequel to this book a little while ago, but after I uploaded all of the edited chapters it got deleted, so I thought I'd just let you know what's happening!

I went back and forth on the idea of a sequel for quite a while - at first I had all kinds of ideas, but then I just sort of lost steam on it. Lately however, I've been going through some final edits for Beautiful Lives, and realized how much fun I had writing it, and I've decided to get back at it.

The sequel is from Nate's perspective mostly, but I'm open to the idea of switching to other characters and there's 100% going to be at least one chapter from Maya's perspective. I'd really like to explore Sebastian's and Ryder's perspectives as well, so I have a feeling it'll be a hodgepodge of all the characters! 

Updates will probably be pretty slow, I'm currently in my last semester of university so life's a little crazy (hahaha help my thesis is destroying my soul) but I'm really excited about this project, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to write pretty regularly.

Thank you so, so, so much for all of your support and love - I'm so insanely grateful to every person who's read this story, and those of you who've given me comments have just made me so ridiculously happy. I love you all, and can't wait to continue this journey with you!

Stay happy and healthy everyone!

Kate xoxoxo

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