Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 – Daylight (Boyce Avenue)

Once the dance floor started to empty out, we all found ourselves back in the limo, with far too much energy to end the night. Even I felt buzzed with youth and happiness – I wasn't ready for my prom to be over.

"Did we not get invited to the after-prom party?" Adam asked Sebastian, as we all debated where we should go to spend a few more hours together.

"We did, it's more that we're far too cool to waste our time with that," Sebastian said simply, and everyone groaned.

"Aw come on, it would have been so fun!" Maya protested.

"No, Sebastian's right," Nate said. "We party all the time, so tonight should be different,"

"It should be Lexi's decision," Toby said. "It is her prom,"

"It's not my prom," I blushed.

"What do you want to do, Lex?" Nate asked, nudging me gently.

"Honestly? I just want to sit with you guys somewhere. Like, a coffee shop, or anything like that," I admitted.

"That can be arranged," Sebastian winked at me, and leaned up front to ask the limo driver to divert our route.

We eventually found our way downtown, and the limo driver dropped us off in front of a cute little shop that I'd never been to. We piled inside, all of us still in our dresses and suits, which earned us some weird looks from quiet customers tucked away in the corner booths. The barista, however, didn't let her smile waver as she greeted us.

"Hi! What can I get for you guys tonight?" she asked, barely blinking an eye when we all started placing drink orders. Nate had brought the wheelchair in, since the limo was off-duty for the night and we'd need to find our own ways home, so I sat down in it while everyone figured out what they were getting to drink.

Nate placed a big order for all of us, and the barista handed over a couple trays of paper cups. We all piled into one of the big booths at the back of the store, where Nate doled out the drinks. I peeled the lid off of mine, and let the steam enter my sinuses.

I leaned against Nate and listened as everyone chattered about the best parts of the night so far. The mood was broken the second Adam lifted the lid off of his cup, and an alarmed look crossed his face.

"What the shit is that?" Sebastian asked, bringing our attention to the steaming mug Adam was now peering into with far more disgust than should have been necessary.

"It was supposed to be their specialty," he said, shrugging meekly.

"What's it called?" Sebastian pressed.

"Treegrass latte?" Adam raised an eyebrow, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Dude, we've been over this. Never order something that sounds like a health nut drink. For all you know there could be actual grass in there," Nate said, stifling his giggles as best he could.

"It'll be fine, guys," Adam shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well if you're sure, then I'd like to propose a toast," Sebastian said, lifting his own cup. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that this has been the best year of my life, no question. And it's because of you guys. I love you all,"

Everyone's cups met in the mid-air above the table. No one said anything else, and it looked like most of them were trying not to cry. I wanted to tell them that it would be okay, that we would have more nights like this, but I was trying too hard to keep it together myself.

"Oh Jesus," the somber mood was broken as Adam obliviously took a gulp of his drink and stuck out his tongue. "That is not fine. That is disgusting,"

Everyone broke down laughing, the sad moment passing as quickly as it had come. Juliet rolled her eyes.

"I'm not kissing you tonight if your breath smells like that drink," she teased.

"Oh we'll see about that," Adam wrapped his arms around her, and made loud kissing sounds, making everyone laugh so loudly that the other customers probably all turned to stare, and I could only hope that instead of hating us they realized how happy we were to be alive in that moment.

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