Chapter 1: Meea More

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  "You are absolutely crazy!" I laughed. That was Emit, my best friend. Ever since I stole his boyfriend in 2nd grade.
"You are going to get your head chopped off there Brin." My head was outside the car window as we drove down the highway at 70 miles an hour.
"No I'm not." I glared at him in the reflection of the mirror.
"I love your dimples." He says. I smiled at him.
"You're so gay." I laughed.
"And your so straight." We giggled together. He took my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Don't ever leave."
"Never!" He yelled.
"Ouch, I have ears." He laughed.

We arrived at our destination.
"Why does a guy like you have to be gay?"
"What is that supposed to mean?" He draped an arm around my neck and took my hand in his.
"Your hot. You have a 8 pack, your funny and kind and smart."
"I don't know about the hot part." I laughed.
"There's those dimples again."
"Stop it." I poked his nose.
"Your beautiful."
"I wonder why people think we are dating." I joked.
"We are the it couple."
"Whatever." We walked down the shore line.
"I have a hard question for you."
"Ok." I nodded.
"Ice cream or snow cones?" I grinned at him.
"You make life so hard." I complained and He laughed.
"3 seconds or I pick."
"Fuck you!"
"Snow cones."
"I was gonna say that."
"I know you were. Boyfriend stealer."
"That was like 10 plus years ago!"
"And it still hurts."
"He was hot."
"Agrees to that!"

  We sat on the park branch with our snow cones.
"You ever think that if you weren't gay we would get married?"
"Everyday." I laid my head on his shoulder.
"You every think we would have the cutest dimple kids?"
"What is with you and my dimples?"
"My dream guy has to have them."
"Describe this dream guy of yours."
"Well then you have to go after me."
"So he's got dimples that light up the world, just like you."
"Ugh huh."
"And your gorgeous hazel eyes."
"Oh really?"
"And let's not forget those incredible eyebrows."
"You are weird."
"Your turn."
"Haven't we discussed this before?"
"Only a million other times." We laughed.
"Ok he has to have your 8 pack." He lifted up his shirt and stuck his tongue out.
"Stop it!" There was always something about Emit that made me laugh. He was one of very few people who could do that.
"And your smile." He always glowed when he smiled.
"Duh, girl."
"And your loving, kind, honest, and joyful personally."
"Damn your standards are way to high."
"They are not."
"Hotty with the ass 12 o'clock." I looked forward.
"Oh damn." He bit his lip.
"You are drooling over an ass."
"I know." He stomped his foot.
"That's where your shit comes out of."
"Ok I think we should go." I stood up and took his hand.
"You're no fun."
"Yeah because I don't want to grab that shit covered ass."
"It is not shit covered, look He has the Mona Lisa of asses. Damn boy."
"Mona Lisa?"
"With the perfect little smile."
"You need to chill."
"Girl to not boss me around."
"I am your fake girlfriend-"
"Til death do us part." We said in unison.
"And I have that right, babe."
"Yeah your right."
"I love you." He says.
"Meea more." I don't even know how that started but it's always our response. He looked at me with those baby blue eyes of his.
"Netflix?" He asked.
"Awe hell yes."

We walked through the lobby of the Gand gates apartment building. This place ain't to grand.
"Hey jack." I smiled as we walked I.
"Good afternoon gorgeous and gorgeous." I'm pretty sure emit pays him to say that. Emit winked. Jack isn't even gay. Oh emit, what would I do with out you. We got in the elevator.
"Do you have work tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah. From 2-6 though."
"What do you do while I'm gone?"
"Wait for you to come back."
"Did you literally just quote spongebob?"
"You know it girl." We laughed. We stopped on a floor.
"This is us."
"Stop quoting!" I yelled.
"In gonna hurt you."
"And we danced all night to best song ever!" He pumped his fist in the air as I unlocked his apartment door.
"Is that you B?" I heard from my door.
"Yes Kendall."
"We need more toilet paper."
"There is a list on the Fridge for a reason dipshit." Emit says.
"Thanks Emit I don't think I was talking to you."
"Boy open this god damn door and say that to my face."
"Sorry, I'm salty today." He fixed his hair in the reflection of the elevator.
"When are you gonna be back?" Kendall asked.
"I don't know. Don't wait up."
"How do you live with all those guys?" Emit asked as I opened the door.
"I don't know." I lived with Kendall, Jake and Fin. They have always been very kind to me and Emit.
"Im like so into Jake." He says. I starred at him.
"No!" I took my shoes off.
"They are hot." He adds.
"Ew stop!" I put hands over my ears.
"What? They are really hot."
"That is so gross, Emit! They are my Brothers!"
"Why do you all live together? Like haven't you seen too many one night stands?"
"Because it just worked out like that. Plus I crash here 90% of the time."
"True." He sat on the couch and I slumped in his lap.
"Hey the marathon begin."
"The walking dead." I say.
"No Jane the virgin."
"There is only only season, TWD."
"What about Flashpoint."
"Fine you win." He turned it on.
"Thanks. I love you."
"Meea more beautiful, Meea more." He kissed my forehead. I smiled. What his paradise? Because I loved it.

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