Chapter 5: Slipped Through My Fingers

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Photo credit: Delaney Jean Dolan
Video: Don't want to fall in love - Ricky Dillon

   "You have to work." Jake says.
"Don't call me that."
"You not even supposed to be here."
"Go away Jake."
"This apartment is up for rent, we can't be here."
"I'm sorry did I ask you to ruin the party?"
"What party Brin?"
"My pitty party! Now get out."
"I'm gonna call Jack."
"Don't call Jack."
"Then get out of here. You shouldn't still have his key."
"You can't control me!"
"Brinlynn Cara."
"Stop it Jake!" He pulled out is his phone.
"No Jake!"
"Hey. Will you come get B she's stuck in Emit's old apartment? Great. Ok bye." He hung up. "Maddi is on her way."
"Why did you call Maddi?"
"I could have called Maria."
"No! Spawn of Satan!" He laughed.
"You haven't even worn your own clothes for a week straight."
"He smells good."
"He's not your boyfriend B."
"I'm not stupid Jake." I got up and walked into our apartment. Yet another girl was in our kitchen.
"Oh my gosh you cheating on my boyfriend. Get out." I was not in the mood. She ran out.
"Fin can you stop doing this every night!?" I yelled.
"Fin?" I walked into his room.
"Fin?" I called again. I opened Kendall's door.
"You're cheating on Marie?"
"No Brin."
"I don't like her but that's crossing a line. That is way out of line, Kendall." I walked out.
"My life is falling apart right now I don't need this."
"She's pretty bad."
"Who are you talking too?" I asked Fin.
"She's yelling at me." He tuned.
"Fin who is that?"
"Yeah like pronto."
"Finnegan Thomas!"
"Brin stop."
"I don't think so. I'll ask. Are you on your period?"
"Fuck off Fin." I walked into my room.
"Where are you going?"
"Away! I hate this. I can't take this!"
"Stop." Fin blocked the doorway.
"Ok." Fin held his phone out to me.
"Meea more beautiful." I fell the the ground.
"Brin." Jake walked to me.
"Go away!" I ran into my room.
"You didn't set her off you just opened the flood gates." I heard fin say. I wrapped up in his covers.

  I woke up from a nap.
"Your head throbbing?" Kendall asked.
"Yeah." He held out his hand with 2 Tylenol. I took them.
"You can't keep doing this." I laid my head on his shoulder.
"I have a surprise for you but you have to behave and be more you."
"What is it?"
"You're spending Christmas in Cali."
"Yeah but you have to be more Brin and less Depressed psychopath."
"Ok I promise. Thank you." I hugged him.
"You're welcome." My phone dinged.
"Now you need to get to work."

  I walked across the street to the bakery.
"Shit." It was rush hour. I ran in.
"I'm sorry mommy. I had a rough start." I walked behind the counter and put my apron on.
"I got this." Greyson says.
"It's ok. How can I help you."
"2 chocolate chip cookies."
"Will that be all?"
"$2.46." She handed me cash and I gave her change.
"I'll take over." Sarah took the register.
"I just got here."
"You need to calm down you're too worked up." I leaned against the back wall.
"B, you turn the oven on?" Greyson asked.
"Yeah." I turned it on and when I came back Sarah handed me another Emit letter.
"This one is thick." I opened it up.
"Txt me the code: BCG." I said. I got out my phone and texted him.
Me: Sarah gave me a letter : BCG
Emit: don't worry about me (Audio file)
Me: you can't say that
I opened the file and plugged in my headphones, I gave one bud to Sarah.
"Hey Em can I go out with you tonight?" I asked.
"Sorry no pets allowed."
"Fuck you." We laughed and Another clip played. A horrible laugh if mine came on.
"The hell is that?" Sarah asked.
"What?" Emit asked.
"Do you still like nature despite what it did to you?" I was laughing to hard in the audio.
"Is that a gay joke? Are you making fun of my sexuality, Brin!?" I just kept laughing.
"You are mean." Sarah says. I laughed.
"More to come beautiful, I love you and miss you." I put my phone away.
"Meea more Em." I whispered.

Hush hour was finally over. I was outside wiping down tables and starring at Greyson as he counted the profit we made. He glanced at me. I looked back at the table.
"Hey." Greyson opened the front door.
"You starring at me?"
"I was looking at the clock wondering how much longer I have to be with you." Nice save B. High five emit.
"Uhh huh." I walked back inside.
"Brin will you lock up?" Mommy asked.
"Yeah. Goodnight."
"Goodnight B ,goodnight Greyson." She took her purse and walked to her car.
"So like is Emit coming home?"
"No but I'm having Christmas with him."
"That's gonna be fun."
"Yeah." I took the cookies and cupcakes out of the display case.
"You can take some home it you want." I say.
"Yeah here." I have him a box.
"Pick them out for me."
"Ok, red velvet, cookies and cream, Birthday cake, and maple waffles."
"Sounds good." He closed the box.
"I can lock up."
"I'm still here. No reason to leave you alone."
"Ok." I slightly laughed. He stared at me.
"Has anyone told you that your laugh sounds just like a female Tyler Oakley?" I laughed again.
"Are you serious!?"
"I'm dead serious." He tried to mimic me which just made us laugh more.
"It's really cute actually."
"Yeah." I booty bumped him.
"I really want to buy Juliet."
"From mama?"
"Yeah but it's not like I have the money to buy a franchise."
"I think you should pursue that." He pointed to me.
"It's just a dream." I walked into the back and started putting things away.
"My dreams came true why can't yours?"
"What was your dream?" I turned to him.
"For 6 months I got the Opportunity travel the world now I'm ready to settle down and stay a while I thought a small town like Summerton sounds perfect."
"Why not the L.A city life?"
"Because I wanted a backyard." I laughed.
"Well Emit loves it there."
"He would love it even more if you were there."
"Yeah." I turned back around.
"Looks like Sarah did the dishes."
"I'll walk you home."
"It's just across the street." I put my jacket on and flipped my hair.
"You live in Grand gate?"
"What floor?"
"Well how about that?" He said in a funny voice.
"I think I moved into Emit's old room."
"Are you for real?"
"Yeah he moved out last week right?"
"Yeah I didn't see you move in."
"I'm not officially moved in I move in, in a couple days."
"That makes sense I was crying in his room this morning."
"He's my best friend friend, I don't think a lot of people realize that."
"How long?"
"2nd grade."
"Yeah." He opened the lobby door.
"Hello B." Jack says.
"Hey jack." George was on the lobby couch with Deric a guy who really likes me.
"Nice curves today B." Deric says.
"What are you reading?"
"Spider man volume-"
"I don't think she actually cares." George says.
"Your just jealous."
"You forgot your phone." Greyson says.
"Oh shit yeah." We walked outside and ran across the street.
"Was it by the register?" I asked as I opened the door.
"Yeah." I walked over and looked.
"Got it." Greyson held it.
"You sly mother fucker."
"Now you want to call me names after I just found your phone."
"You didn't find it. It was in your pocket the whole time!" He put the phone in my back pocket.
"You know I could have done that."
"Too late." He leaned In To kiss me and our foreheads touched. His lips met mine.
"I'm sorry." He stepped back. Maybe this is what I needed. A relationship to keep me from talking to Emit every day of my life.
"It's ok." I curled my lips.

  We walked back into the Grand.
"Did you know that that glass is transparent and so is the shops glass?" Deric asked.
"You Just kissed." George says.
"Do you even live here?" I asked him.
"No one will ever know." I scuffed and got in the elevator with Greyson.
"That wasn't like too much?"
"No." We kept our distance.
"I've only been here a week and Ive already kissed the most beautiful girl in Summerton." I smiled as the doors opened.
"That you?" I asked pointing to Emit's door.
"Yup as of a couple weeks ago."
"Well this is me."
"These doors aren't even 2 feet apart."
"Yeah." I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear.
"My brothers are watching me I need to go."
"Damn it Jake you blew our cover."
"Kendall it's not that hard to tell." I say. He opened the door.
"Kendall Garrett." He held out his hand.
"Greyson Hill."
"How old are you?"
"How tall?"
"6 foot."
"The Juliet bakery. What do you want?"
"Put your interrogation lamp away and and walk your ass back inside before so walk it in for you ok? Thanks Kendall." I closed the door.
"3 brothers, I can defend myself."
"That was hot."
"I did not expect that."
"I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Are you dating my sister!?" Jake yelled.
"Bye." He kissed my cheek.
"That was physical contact!" Kendall opened the door and tackled Greyson at the elevator.
"What the hell?" Greyson asks.
"Kendall!" I walked over and pulled up off of Greyson.
"I'm gonna talk to mommy about this."
"No your not." I pushed him away.
"I'm gonna go before I end up in the hospital."
"Yeah do that." The elevator door opened.
"You fucking ass holes!" I yelled at Kendall.
"Watch the hair! Watch the hair!"
"You and your shitty hair-" I slammed the door shut and continued yelling at him.

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