Thank You: Millie_Astral

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And last but not least, my best friend and sister from another mister, Millie_Astral

Minty, we've been friends for two years now! We've been through so much shit and I've put you through so much shit.

I'll try to make this as short as possible because I could go on for DAYS about how I'm thankful for having you as a friend and a sister! :3

In short, out of everyone I've known, you're the one person who's had the most impact on me personally, mentally, emotionally, and physically because I began to exercise more XD

Mentally, you've made me a maturer person and someone who looks at things from multiple perspectives and point of views.

Emotionally, you've made me stronger. I can't really talk to anyone about my feelings since my family is either really conservative or really judgmental. Plus, even when you're not saying anything, you encourage me to stand up to myself and be a bitch to people who are being bitches to me!

You are my bestest friend and sister and I couldn't ask for one! :D Know that I am super protective of you and if ANYONE tries to mess with you AGAIN, I- Well, it's not gonna go well. Let's say that >:3

A little bit about the picture:

-I made us into gems! XD I'm the red one and you're the blue one~ :3 Garnet and Aquamarine, BITCH! (/ ^0^)/

-I didn't know what kind of outfit to put you in so I put you in something that I thought would fit your personality! ^^ You has flowly sleeves! (~^3^)~ I know you like those!

-*whispers* If you can yell, there's a height difference XD

And now just one more Thank You! ^0^ But this one isn't a request ^^ It's a surprise for someone!

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