A BIG Announcement

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Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't been on or updated this book for a long time (because this book right now is the only one I care about updating).

It's Spring Break and I've been PRETTY busy with FFA and church and things have been pretty hectic with my grandpa who's in the hospital.

Anyways... cutting the sob sob story part because this is something I don't want to talk about as of yet, I have been VERY stressed. I've been stressed with school, church, family problems, my own personal problems, Wattpad problems, and even some problems with FFA.

Recently I got my report card and saw that I received TWO Ds. I'm not going to complain about it because I caused this. I dug myself my own grave and caused this to happen because I was lazy and got caught up in all my extra curricular activities even though I KNEW I should've been focusing on my grades.

And as much as my family and fellow church members don't want to believe, church is stressing me out as well which is fucking irritating me. There's been a lot going on especially since I recently joined Adult Choir which has a LOT more responsibilities than being in Children Choir. I just wanna take a break from it all and not go to church for a month like god damn.

Family problems as you know is mostly surrounded by my grandpa. He's been in the hospital for a long while now and my damn relatives are being children asking my grandma for money so they can buy food! And it's not the children I'm talking about, it's the adults, especially my Aunty Linda and Aunty Emma.

Personal problems... Well... I've been getting hit with my depression again and again and again and again and nothing is stopping it. I've tried to draw, write, even vent out to people about my problems to calm it down but nothing helps. I've started to get those thoughts about killing myself (but I won't do it obviously. I'm not going there again. Not ever.) and sorta have been unconsciously starving myself for no reason... (I just don't wanna eat anymore and when I do eat, I feel like vomiting all the food out.)

I'm sorry about this but I've been very stressed with so many things and I NEED to take a break from a lot of things so this announcement comes to an end with this: I'm not going to be on Wattpad anymore.

Not completely of course. I'll still reply to comments and PMs when I have the time to but I'll hardly or won't ever comment on books that are going to be updated. I'll still read and vote on them but I just don't have the time to comment anymore... It's become REALLY stressful which is fucking stupid because IT'S A GOD DAMN COMMENT!!! Something as simple as a comment shouldn't be stressful but it is! That's how you know I'm so fucking stressed!

I'm sorry about this but I do hope you guys understand. I just need to take a HUGE step back and absorb what's been happening in life and calm down before my depression and stress gets the better of me.

I don't know when I'm going to come back to Wattpad fully. To be honest, I'll probably never will and will probably delete all my books except for the personal ones. I probably won't even read any books other than the ones that I've prioritized. I just need to really take a break from everything that's been happening.

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