Unfortunately, I'm still working on Millie_Astral's reward for the YGO Magazine contest >-> My digital art app, Autodesk Sketchbook, keeps glitching out on me at random so it's gonna take a while to complete.
I will say that it's coming out quite nicely though! :D Just look at the green glowy effect thingy!!! O3O
And LOOK!!! O3O I DREW CHIBIIII!!!!!!! He looks ssooooo cute! >ω<
Also, yes, there is a watermark. That is exactly how I am going to do my watermarks. It will be different colors from time to time depending on the picture(s) but it WILL be slanted from the left or right across the entire picture in that EXACT FONT.
I know it takes away the quality of the picture but I do not wanna give art thieves the chance to steal MY art that I worked so hard on!
If you don't want people stealing your art, I suggest you either watermark it and/or sign your work. Or do both. That has a higher chance.
If you don't know how to make a watermark, simply download a photo editing app (I suggest Pixlr :3) and use the transparency thingy to make the font lighter. I'll put up a tutorial if you guys want me to if you're confused on how to do it.

My Art Book 2
RandomMy first art book was getting too long and I filled with so much negative stuff so I decided to make a new one! :D Just like my first Art Book, EVERYTHING in here belongs to ME. DO. NOT. STEAL. MY. ART. OR. ELSE. I do not like art thieves -.0 WARNIN...