⚠ Warning⚠
I'm putting this put here because in the next few words, I am going to sound so pathetic and sad. So yeah...... Be prepared for that!
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This last Thank You is to CrazySwimmingIdiot
So before anything I'm going to say a little bit about the picture:
-I put all the things that I remember annoy you into the picture. There's art thieves, stalkers, nekos (I don't really care about this one anymore.), those really long "......." at the end of a sentence, and over powered O.Cs.
-I have no idea what you look like in real life so I just looked at that picture they had in the "Card Talk" section of the YGO Magazine XD
-Your body is tiny, I know. I'm sorry. I can't draw bodies digitally >.> Da faq?
And yeah. That's pretty much it.
There's...umm... Been a lot of shit I've been through with you internally, Crazy. (/.-.)/ Like some jealously/admiration/what the fuck/anger kind of shit that was totally fucking messed up.
I don't know what my head was going through at the time you still had your old profile, but whatever the fuck it was, you got the short end of it.
Even though back in your old profile you were rude and whatnot, I had the option of being not rude to you and being nice. However, I didn't. -_-
I was nice one moment, then talking shit another moment. It was so ANNOYING. It was like I was some two faced bitch.
I am SO sorry about all the things I said about you and sorry for the mean things I said and all the rude stuff I did.
I should've been the mature one and sucked it up or tell you how I felt, but no, instead I let all of those negative feelings stay inside of me until I just couldn't handle it anymore.
You cannot even fathom how stupid I feel right now for being the way I was to you back then. It was so rude and two faced and I just hate it!
I am so very, very, very sorry about everything. I really hope that this year I can really learn how to control my anger (because I, unfortunately, have MAJOR anger issues. Thanks, JROTC and 7th Leadership =~= ) and become a better, nicer person.
To a certain degree, you are a really nice person. You're someone with big ideas and strong opinions and you're not afraid to say it, even if you have to be mean about it in order to stand up for yourself.
I really want to get to know you as a person and friend because even through the damn bullshit I put you through, you're still so nice to me!
I know this is awkward and pathetic and all, but what happened last year, can we put it behind us and start fresh?

My Art Book 2
De TodoMy first art book was getting too long and I filled with so much negative stuff so I decided to make a new one! :D Just like my first Art Book, EVERYTHING in here belongs to ME. DO. NOT. STEAL. MY. ART. OR. ELSE. I do not like art thieves -.0 WARNIN...