Title: A List Of Things I Hate/Am Annoyed By Part 3!
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Y'all know the drill already. This is a form of ranting and getting things off my chest.
Do not be offended by anything that I said in this chapter. I am not bullying, belittling, or putting down anyone with me words. None of what I say is directed towards a particular person I know.
Also, there's swearing. Like a TON of swearing.
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Number 11: People who talk shit ALL the time and can't even do shit themselves.
Honestly, if you're going to correct someone on grammar or spelling and you can't even do that then why? Who the fuck are YOU to say that kind of shit?Number 12: Arrogant and Prideful People.
Most of the time I really don't care about people like this. If you're not going to see something that you did wrong but you think it's "right" then fine. Be a fucking idiot for all I care. As long as it doesn't affect me and other people in a negative way then I'm fine, but there is a certain type of arrogant/prideful person that REALLY gets to me.You know which kind that is? The kind that's thinks they're doing something "good" but really, they're doing something bad -_-
I don't want to go into much detail about this because this... I hate it so fucking much because I have a real life person who's life this and it's just.... UGHHHHH.
Number 13: When People get so fucking SALTY over me not reading their books.
I DON'T have time to read every single god damn book in my fucking library and comment on it like crazy. I barely have time to read Minty's and everyone else's books who I prioritize!I have school and I'm looking for a job, a scholarship, and a college to go to.
If YOU'RE going to be that one bitch that gets SO FUCKING SALTY because I didn't read the recent "update", which is just a GOD DAMN RANT ABOUT NOTHING, or a GOD DAMN RANT ABOUT HOW YOU'RE A "BAD ARTIST" then you need to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Because the moment you do some kind of shit like that, I will stop reading your book, remove all my votes, and delete all my comments. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Why am I being so overreactive?
Because people like this are desperate especially when they PM me about it and start acting like I'm the "bad guy."
Like why? Why do you do that shit? Don't ever PM me unless we're close friends, which I doubt we are, or unless you have a god damn emergency that you need, need, need to talk about.
Also, I don't expect you guys to read my books in a freaking snap. When it comes down to it, I'm a really patient person especially when it comes to Wattpad because I know people have lives and jobs and school and stuff like that.
I honestly don't care about how many people read my books. As long as people are reading it and love it, then I'm fine.
Number 14: When anime fans hate American Cartoons because "they're bad and mean nothing." and think anime is "better"
First of all, GET YOUR WEEABO ASSES OUT. OF. HERE.Steven Universe is AN AMERICAN cartoon!
Wander over Yonder is AN AMERICAN cartoon!
Adventure Time is AN AMERICAN CARTOON.
Gravity Falls is AN AMERICAN cartoon!
Can't say the same for your anime that you love so much -.-
So before you say that your anime is the "shit" then SHUT THE FUCK UP! American cartoons are still good and possibly even better than your anime!
Also, I don't hate anime. (Yet.) I just hate certain fans here on Wattpad and other websites. (Don't worry it's no one reading this.)
Most anime fans I know take every single little thing so seriously and worship anime as if it was a God! And then they hate everything else that isn't anime -.-
Hey, weeabos! Guess what! You know your logic?
Because anime ISN'T everything!
Number 15: Those people who vote on my stories IMMEDIATELY after o update them.
I don't hate this. I'm just baffled by it.Like come on. NO ONE is able to read that fast. How the fuck are you able to read a 3000+ chapter in ONE GOD DAMN SECOND AFTER I POSTED A NEW CHAPTER, HM? HM?
Number 16: How people get "silent" when I try talking about my problems and need to get things off my chest.
This is more of a real life thing than it is online. You see, what usually happens is that I'll start venting to my friends about a certain problem I'm having and I'll usually ask them for advice.And guess what they do? They are silent as hell.
One minute they're talking shit about me and how I need to "improve" my lifestyle but when I actually try to do that and actually talk about my problems, they are silent.
They don't even respond. They look away. As if none of what I said even mattered. As if what I said is all fake and me being paranoid or an "attention whore"
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Welp, that's finally the end! To those of you who made to the end and read every word of what I wrote down, thank you for your kind loving support.
As said in Number 16, I don't really have a chance to talk about my problems or to simply vent out the small things in life that most of the time get bottled up in this 4' 9" body of mine.
But, hey, I have you guys! I really find that having people to talk to about my problems is really helpful and helps me with me anger issues so thank SO much for taking your time and reading this!

My Art Book 2
RandomMy first art book was getting too long and I filled with so much negative stuff so I decided to make a new one! :D Just like my first Art Book, EVERYTHING in here belongs to ME. DO. NOT. STEAL. MY. ART. OR. ELSE. I do not like art thieves -.0 WARNIN...