Secret walked out of the walk-in closet of Mrs. Akaba's room, wearing a black short, low v-line dress that stopped just little bit under her hoohah (Vagina :P). "M-mrs. Akaba...? I-I don't think this dress is appropriate for the ball..." She blushed madly as she tried to cover her breasts while also trying to not show her lower regions.
Sitting on her bed, Mrs. Akaba ignored Secret's words and efforts to conceal herself, assessing the girl in her newly acquired dress, "Don't worry about it, my dear. You look lovely in that dress anyways. With some makeup and accessories, you'll be the eye of the show!" she exclaimed happily.
"But, Mrs. Akaba, I can't wear this! It's way too short, my boobs are popping out with every step I take, and it's practically showing my ass to the world!"
Mrs. Akaba shook her head, "Remember what I said about language, Secret. Besides, I can't have Reiji's date wear something boring and dull like the last dress you had on, ugh. It's absolutely dreadful!" The older woman pointed to a plain green sleeveless dress laid out on the bed next to where she sat. She displayed a look of disgust then tossed the dress aside where her eyes couldn't land on it.
"Wait, I'M going to be Reiji's date?" Secret asked, remembering what her employer said right before she so rudely insulted the dress her mother gave her long ago.
"Why, yes! I would of have someone else be his date, but I felt that if I were to choose someone other than you, the girl would practically be crawling all over Reiji and be trying to make him fall in love with her!"
Secret blinked, "Er... Right... But, Mrs. Akaba, with all due respect, I must wear a different dress. Please! This dress... Is quite uncomfortable..."
Mrs. Akaba sighed, "Fine, but I want to see what Reiji thinks of you in the dress first. If he likes it, you're keeping it on. If not, you get to pick another dress to wear." she smirked, "Now let's call Reiji~!"
Before Secret could say protest, Mrs. Akaba had already went to the door of her room and called Reiji who was getting ready down the hallway.
A mad blush invaded Secret's face as she heard footsteps coming. She couldn't be seen like this! Not in this dress at least! She looked around hurriedly for something to cover her up, anything would do!
"What did you call me for, mother?" Secret heard Reiji's voice at the door. Immediately she let out a small squeak.
Shit! Frick, what am I going to do?! she thought to herself, her face as bright as a ripe tomato.
Then it came to her.
Secret looked behind her. The closet! She could just easily hide in there! Secret was known for disappearing from time to time so this would be normal!
Secret quickly jumped for the closet, but was pulled back by Mrs. Akaba, "Nice try, Secret, but you can't escape from me~" the mother turned back to her son, beaming with pride at her work, "Well? What do you think of Secret in this dress, Reiji?"
Reiji Akaba took one look at Secret, a slight and unnoticeable blush on his face. He pushed up his glasses briefly, "I think she looks nice in it, Mother."
Mrs. Akaba giggled and Secret felt her face burning with embarrassment. She loved dressing up and putting on dress but not in front of people like Reiji!
"See?" Mrs. Akaba smirked, "I knew he would like it, Secret, which is why you need to listen to my expertise whe-"
"But, Mother," Reiji interrupted abruptly, pushing up his glasses once more, "it's better if Secret were to wear a different dress."
Mrs. Akaba pouted, "But, honey, I thought you said you liked it."
"I said that Secret looked nice in it, not that I liked it, Mother. Remember this is a ball and there is a dress code. We can't have Secret wearing a dress like this or we'd be kicked out."
"Oh..." Mrs. Akaba blinked, a drop of disappointment in her voice.
"Don't worry, Mother. I'm sure we can find another dress for Secret." Reiji said, walking into the closet. Moments later he came out with a blue dress with golden lining similar to the one Secret had on except less revealing and much, much longer.
He walked up to Secret, holding the dress up to her body, looking her up and down then he smiled, "I like this dress. She would look perfect in it."
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This is by far my favorite drawing of the month XD Just look at Secret and her embarrassed face and Reiji trying to keep a calm, cool face while he's screaming internally on the inside, trying to keep in all the blood from pouring down his nose XD ( ̄^ ̄゜)ง Mission accomplished!
I don't know if Mrs. Akaba actually acts like that, but she seems like a nice, strong person and a caring mom! :3 She's also the one who put Secret in that dress because of the ball XD The dress that Reiji chose at the end is the one that I drew Secret in earlier for Crazy's request X3
And *cough* there is no dress code *cough* Reiji made it up *cough* for his own mercy *cough*
If you're wondering how I drew Reiji so well it's cuz I kinda cheated :P There's this import image option on my drawing app so I used that to import a picture of Reiji and traced over his face on a different. Note I DID try to draw him before that but I gave up and was like: "Fuck it! Ain't got time for this!" XP
Also, I'm posting my first Art Book back up. I didn't watermark the pictures though >-< I got... Lazy. So beware of mass updates! (of at least 20 chapters at the most a day)

My Art Book 2
RandomMy first art book was getting too long and I filled with so much negative stuff so I decided to make a new one! :D Just like my first Art Book, EVERYTHING in here belongs to ME. DO. NOT. STEAL. MY. ART. OR. ELSE. I do not like art thieves -.0 WARNIN...